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SpORTS                                                                 MARCH 25, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 42

                                                                    IPL 2022

          Ahead of kick-off, teams train hard

                   and get ready for tough games

             On March 26, Delhi Capitals will take on Mumbai Indians in their first match of the
                          season; No strong or weak team in T20 cricket believes Ajit Agarkar

        OUR BUREAU
             ormer India pacer and Delhi
             Capitals assistant coach Ajit
        FAgarkar feels that there is no
        clear favourite in the T20 format and
        more so in the Indian Premier League
        (IPL) as anyone can be a winner.
            Putting forward Rajasthan Roy-
        als’ maiden triumph in the inaugu-
        ral edition of the IPL as a case study
        Agarkar commented on the glorious
        uncertainties of cricket. “In T20 crick-
        et there is no strong or weak team, I
        wish it were true and you could pick
        one or two teams but that’s not the
        case.  We  have  enough  of  evidence
        throughout the editions of IPL that no
        team is easier to beat,” Agarkar said
        during the IPL gameplan show on
        Star Sports.
            “If you see Rajasthan Royals in
        the first edition of IPL, everyone was
        having a laugh at the team they picked
        in the auction, but they went on to win
        the trophy,” he added.
            On  February  23,  IPL  franchise                                     Hardik Pandya playing a shot
        Delhi Capitals announced the ap-
        pointment of Ajit Agarkar as the   ly  after  securing  a  full-fitness  certifi-  this task will be the likes of Shane   “I am quite happy with the team,
        team’s new assistant coach.       cate from BCCI’s NCA. The 12-day   Bond, Robin Singh, Kiran More, Ra-  it is a new team. To be honest, we are
            Agarkar joined the Delhi Capi-
        tals coaching staff of Ricky Ponting   strength and conditioning pre-season   hul Sanghvi, Vinay Kumar, TA Sekar,   not here to prove anything, we are
                                          camp, ahead of Mumbai Indians’ first
                                                                            Paul Chapman and data analyst CKM
                                                                                                              here to play good cricket. We are here
        (Head Coach), Pravin Amre (Assis-  match, is being held at their in-house   Dhananjai - who have a proven record   to make sure the environment is right
        tant Coach) and James Hopes (Bowl-  training facility at the Reliance Jio Sta-  of nurturing the likes of Suryakumar,   and players can flourish. There is no
        ing Coach).                       dium, Navi Mumbai. Mumbai Indians   Bumrah, Ishan, Pandya brothers and   expectation as such, we are going to
            The  44-year-old,  with  288  ODI
        and 58 Test wickets to his name, has   will also play a couple of inter-squad   many more in the past.  be a team which will make sure that
                                                                                                              it keeps improving,” said Gujarat Ti-
                                          practice matches towards the second
        represented Kolkata Knight Riders   week of the camp.                     not here to Prove           tans captain Hardik Pandya in a video
        and Delhi Daredevils in the IPL.
                                              The first-day training session was   anYthIng: harDIK PanDYa    posted on IPL’s Twitter handle. Hardik
         rohIt sharma, bumrah joIn        preceded with player assessment anal-  All  the  teams  have  started  to   Pandya will be seen in action for the
                                          ysis by the coaching staff led by the
                                                                                                              first time since November 2021 as the
                   mI squaD               director of cricket Zaheer Khan and   train ahead of the IPL 2022 starting   28-year-old was out due to a back inju-
            Mumbai Indians have begun their   coach Mahela Jayawardene.     from March 26. Like all the IPL debu-  ry. It will be interesting to see whether
        preparations for the Indian Premier   Over  the  next  11-weeks,  Mum-  tants Gujarat Titans are also gearing   he will bowl or not or he will play only
        League (IPL) 2022 campaign.       bai Indians coaching staff will look   up  ahead  of  the  high-profile  league   as  a  batter  for  Gujarat  Titans.  This
            Earlier, captain Rohit Sharma ac-  at upskilling the young domestic and   and  they  have  started  their  training.   franchise  will  play  their  first  match
        companied by speedster Jasprit Bum-  international recruits through individ-  The Gujarat franchise will be led by   of the IPL against the other debutant
        rah moved from the bubble to join   ual sessions, game situations, mental   all-rounder Hardik Pandya who is   Lucknow Super Giants on March 28
        the squad late last night, while Ishan   aspects and physical fitness.  captaining  an  IPL  side  for  the  first   at the Wankhede Stadium and they
        Kishan flew from Bengaluru separate-  Joining Zaheer and Mahela in   time.                                   Continued at next page... >>

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