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NORTH AMERIcAN Newsline                                                MARCH 25, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 28

                   maneesh media along with International

           university of vedic Wellness showcase a book

                       Launch & Women’s Day Celebration a

        CHICAGO, IL

                aneesh Media along with
                International University of
        MVedic  Wellness  unveiled  a
        spectacular event to commemorate
        the International Women’s Day cel-
        ebration and the launch of Maneesh
        Media’s  new  book,  “India  Calling
        2022” on March 8th, 2022 at the Mar-
        riot  in  Hoffman  Estates,  IL.  India
        Calling 2022 is a new book celebrat-
        ing India’s Prime Minister, Modiji’s
        mother  Heeraben  Modi  who  is  102
        years of age! This book also depicts
        the  113  magnificent  foreign  trips  of
        the Indian Prime Minister Modiji and
        the outcome of those trips during his
            The   International  Women’s
        Day is celebrated across the world
        to honor the remarkable hard work
        and achievements of women in every
        field.  This  extraordinary  event  also
        acknowledged women’s empower-
        ment by honoring the significant ef-
        forts of women to make the world a
        better place to live in. A life of dig-
        nity is the birthright of every woman.
        Women’s empowerment is  key to
        advancing the development of every
        country. Empowered women contrib-
        ute to the health and productivity of
        whole families and communities and
        improved prospects for the next gen-
            Dr.  Mrs.  Santosh  Kulshrestha
        Kumar - Founding Executive Direc-
        tor, of Metropolitan Asian Family  Santosh Kumar, Mr. Neil Khot, Mr.  for being the woman power behind  want Bhardwaj, Aruna Shah, Manju
        Services, Universal Metro Asian Ser-  Kishor Mehta, Acharya Rohit Joshi,  her  husband’s  success.  Mr.  Neil  Cheker, Manju Kalra, Krishna Ma-
        vices, and International University  Dr. Rakesh Asthana, Mr. Chandmal  Khot,  Mr.  Kishor  Mehta,  Acharya  hajan, Bhagwatiben Ruparel, Promi-
        of  Vedic  Wellness,  along  with  Mr.  Kumawat  and  Ms.  Marta  Pereya.  Rohit  Joshi,  Dr.  Rakesh  Asthana,  la Mehta, Jagruti Jagatia, Pankaj
        Chandmal Kumawat – Chairman of  Roshita Pandey and Radhika Subra-   Mr.  Chandmal  Kumawat  and  Ms.  K.  Patel,  Sudha  Gandhi,  Shakuntla
        Maneesh Media partnered and made  manian did a great job of compering.  Marta Pereya gave their speech as  Patel, Jyotiben Shah, Yashodhara
        possible this historic event. Dr. Mrs,  Dr. Mrs. Santosh Kumar began her  they applauded the woman around  Bhatt, Tripti Malhotra, Mira Mehta,
        Kumar was named as “Mother The-   welcoming speech by shedding light  the world.                      Guruvachan Kaur (Neelam), Sadha-
        resa of Chicago” for her dedication  on the importance of women and en-  Women of Excellence were rec-  na Vaish, Saroj Topiwala, Shakuntala
        to  fulfilling  the  needs  of  the  down-  couraged every woman to stand for  ognized and honored as a mark of  Mehta, Pravesh Kulshrestha, Triguna
        trodden  and  her  selfless  communi-  her rights. She soulfully thanked Mrs.  honor on Woman’s Day for the out-  Dave, Shobna Nagori, Marta Perey-
        ty  service  for  more  than  40  years.  Heeraben Modi for providing to the  standing work in their respective  ra,  Dipti  Shah,  Suchi  Sunder,  Dr.
        Through her organizations, Dr. Mrs.  world such a treasure, Prime Minis-  fields by presenting to them the book  Anju Asthana, Dr. Firdaus Jaffri, Dr.
        Kumar has Established a proven suc-  ter Modiji! She praised Modiji for he  and Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav shawl.  Sonal  Patel,  Dr.  Monali,  Falgunben
        cessful multi, disciplinary pathway to  lives the philosophy of ancient Vedas  The  awardees  were  Dr.Narmadha  Prajapati,  Ranjan  Shah,  Mrs.  Vijay
        the empowerment of Seniors Citi-  which believes that the whole world is  Kuppuswami, Rachna Srivastav, Ran-  Sharma, Radha Jigar. Premila Patel,
        zens over the past 30 years.      one family living in Peace, Harmony,  jana Bhargava, Padma Mehta, Chan-  Eva Contractor, Saroj Topiwala, Aw-
            The event commenced with  and Prosperity!                       chal Jhingan, Cynthia Prabhakar,  ilda Gonzalez!
        the lighting of the lamp by Dr. Mrs.   She  applauded  Mrs.  Kumawat  Shashi Jain, Beatris Gonzalez, Bal-  -- Asian Media USA

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