Page 26 - The Indian EYE 032522
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NORTH AMERIcAN Newsline                                                MARCH 25, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 26

           TAGC Women’s Day attracts hundreds of attendees

             with a variety of activities and fashion competition

        CHICAGO, IL

              elugu Association of Greater
              Chicago (TAGC) the first Telu-
        Tgu organization in the USA,
        celebrated Women’s Day on March
        6th,2022 at Monty’s Elegant banquets
        in Bensenville, IL. TAGC is devoted
        to the awareness and promotion of
        Telugu Heritage and Culture in the
        Midwest region headquartered in Chi-
        cago, The association was originally
        founded in 1971 and it recently com-
        pleted  its  golden  jubilee  celebration
        and entered into its 51st year.
            Over 350 women of Indian origin
        participated in this women’s day event.
        Program started with a devotional
        song by Singer Ramya and lighting
        the lamp by Uma Avadhuta, President                                Board of Directors and Women’s Day core team
        of TAGC 2022, Women’s Day Chairs
        Sirisha Madduri, Archana Podduturi
        and Co chairs Ramya Nagulavancha,
        Ramya Kapila and Deepa Gudipal-
        ly. All the other women’s Bod’s Vin-
        itha Podduturi, Manasa Lattupalli,
        Neelima   Cheikicharla,  Prasanna
        Kandukuri and Madhavi Konakalla
        were also present. This year’s theme
        was Retro Style where all the ladies
        came  out  in  their  best  retro  looks.
        All the ladies were excited to show
        off  their  beautiful  outfits  and  style.
        Anchor  Sahithya Vinjamuri was  an
        addition  to  enthusiasm  in  ladies.
            Speaker Deepthi Suri provided                   Speaker Deepthi Suri               Mrs. TAGC Judges Prachi Jaitly, Vasavi Chakka and Neelam Saboo
        very valuable information and great
        insight on the benefits of Ayurveda in
        our daily lives. Several fun filled activi-  additional attraction of the event.
        ties were meticulously planned and ex-  First time in the last 50 years TAGC
        ecuted to create a joyful atmosphere  conducted  Mrs.  TAGC  competition
        in the event that were thoroughly en-  which received a huge response from
        joyed by all the ladies after 2 years of  everyone. Judges Prachi Jaitly, Vasavi
        pandemic situation. Special games like  Chakka and Neelam Saboo coordinat-
        selfie  Lele,  Bomma  blockbuster  and  ed talent and question rounds to final-
        Naari Shakthi by co-chairs engaged  ize on winners. Swetha Chinnari was
        and entertained everyone.         the title winner and Poonam Patil and
            Continuing with the core values  Archana  Ramakrishna  were  the  first
        and traditions of TAGC, this year  and second runners ups respectively.
        also the members raised money for a   All members enjoyed the sump-
        non-profit organization named Sugu-  tuous snacks and dinner sponsored
        na Foundation with operations in west  by Hyderabad House in Schaumburg,  tary Pandu Ranga Reddy were also  huta thanked Past President Ven-
        Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh,  IL.  Food  Chair  Srinivas  Adepu  and  present to help in checking in all the  kat  Gunuganti  and  President  elect
        India which supports care and living  Co.chair  Rama  Kanth  Jonnala  coor-  ladies.  Decoration  team  chair  Neeli-  Parameshwar Yarasani and also in-
        for needy seniors.  There was an over-  dinated very well and organized the  ma Cheikicharla did an excellent job  volved Board members and Volun-
        whelming response and contribution  food.  Membership  chair  Madhavi  in coordinating with the decoration  teers to make the event grand success
        this year which is among one of the  Konakalla with the help of Manasa  team. Retro style photo booth was the  and congratulated all the beauty con-
        top fundraising amounts. Regal Jewel-  Lattupalli helped at the front desk in  highlight  of  the  event.  Event  ended  test winners. She also thanked all the
        ers sponsored gold and silver coins for  registrations and took it very smooth-  with cake cutting and DJ by Pranav Sai  sponsors for the event and donors who
        raffle tickets. Special gifts from India  ly.  Treasurer  Santosh  Konduri,  Jt  with technical help by Srikanth Bethi.  gave the donations for a great cause.
        to attended TAGC members was an  treasurer Sridhar Alavala and Secre-   TAGC president Uma Avad-          -- Asian Media USA

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