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BUSINESS EYE MARCH 24, 2023 | The Indian Eye 33
Facebook-parent WhatsApp brings
Meta planning to launch dual panel view for tablets
Twitter rival running Android
lon Musk’s Twitter could soon -- the framework that powers Mast- he latest beta version of the out now for those in the beta program.
face new competition from odon, a Twitter-like service that end-to-end encrypted messag- As per GSM Arena, unsurpris-
EFacebook-owned Meta. launched in 2016 and has seen a Ting service WhatsApp for An- ingly, the chat list is always visible on
Meta Platforms Inc is consid- surge in popularity since Musk’s droid has been rejigged as it features the left so you can quickly jump be-
ering launching a new Twitter-like takeover of Twitter last October. a dual panel interface for tablets. tween conversations without the need
social network. “We’re exploring Meanwhile, Meta recently took According to GSM Arena, a to go back first. The split view is also
a standalone, decentralized social another page from Musk’s Twitter tech news-related website, what usu- available for the Calls and Status tabs.
network for sharing text updates,” a playbook. Last month, the tech gi- ally happens in these cases is that Meanwhile, last month Whatsapp
Meta spokesperson said in a state- ant began rolling out Meta Verified, such new features get tested in the started rolling out picture-in-picture
ment to Variety. “We believe there’s a subscription service for Facebook beta channel for a while, it can be mode for video calls for iOS. Accord-
an opportunity for a separate space and Instagram users that includes weeks or even months, and then they ing to the outlet, this feature, which
where creators and public figures can a verified blue check-mark badge eventually make it to everyone. The WhatsApp first started testing last
share timely updates about their in- -- just like Twitter Blue -- as well as two-panel UI makes a lot more sense year, lets users open up other apps
terests.” other perks. on tablets than just an enlarged ver- during video calls without any dis-
The rep said the company had Meta Verified is priced at USD sion of the phone Design, so hopeful- ruptions. WhatsApp will reduce your
no additional info on the prospec- 11.99/month on the web or USD ly, the same reasoning will apply here. video call to a small window that sits
tive social network to share. News 14.99/month on Apple’s iOS. The Although it did not include atop whichever app you go to, sim-
site Moneycontrol first reported on company initially launched the ser- the split view, the first version of ilar to FaceTime’s picture-in-picture
the potential Meta service, which is vice in Australia and New Zealand WhatsApp that was compatible with mode. This enables you to partic-
code-named “P92.” with more countries “soon,” Mark Android tablets was released for beta ipate in the call while looking up
The new Meta app would be Zuckerberg, Meta’s chairman and testers last year. Users can check out information online, reading a rele-
based on -- and interoperable with CEO, said in announcing the plans. the new UI, which seems to be rolling vant book, or even playing a game.