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BUSINESS EYE MARCH 24, 2023 | The Indian Eye 32
How Indian talent is giving
wings to growth plans of both
Boeing and Airbus
India’s long-term forecasted growth in air traffic, and availability of a large pool
of skilled aviation technicians and engineers, position it well to become a key regional
player in the commercial aviation sector
but also in hard engineering and in-
OUR BUREAU creasingly in manufacturing,” he said
at the Aero India show in Bengaluru
New Delhi/Hyderabad
last month.
n a major boost to India-US Alongside the hiring push, Boe-
business cooperation, Boeing re- ing and Airbus are also establishing
Icently announced an agreement some production in India, which is
with GMR Aero Technic to establish pitching itself as a less politically
a new Boeing Converted Freighter fraught alternative to China.
(BCF) line in Hyderabad. Boeing has Airbus has also been touting
more than 40 years of experience in India’s manufacturing prospects as
passenger-to-freighter conversions. it hires in the country. In October,
According to a release from Boeing, Prime Minister Narendra Modi at-
the collaboration adds to its contin- tended a ceremony in his home state
ued investments to support cargo of Gujarat to mark the start of con-
growth and help expand complex struction of a facility where Airbus
aircraft modification capabilities and Defense & Space SA and a unit of
Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul local conglomerate Tata Group will
(MRO) in India, supporting India’s make C-295 transport aircraft for the
aspiration to become an aviation and Indian military.
aerospace hub. Airbus employs more than 700
“Our cooperation with GMR CEO, GMR Aero Technic, Ashok Gopinath, Boeing India President Salil Gupte, CEO – GHIAL and people at an engineering center in
Aero Technic not only a testimony of Board of Director for GMR Aero Technic, Pradeep Panicker and others pose for a photo during Bengaluru, and over 150 others in
the maturation of Indian MROs in MoU signing ceremony, at Taj Mahal hotel, in New Delhi on Friday. (ANI) customer services there as well as
the country to support the vision of in the capital New Delhi. India has
Aatmanirbhar Bharat, but also sup- a “unique ability” to support the
ports the anticipated growth of the and partnerships while contributing already employ about 18,000 work- company with its skilled manpow-
cargo sector in the region,” said Salil to the growth and development of the ers in the nation, have been growing er, an Airbus representative told
Gupte, president, Boeing India. Indian aerospace and defense sector. by some 1,500 staff every year, the Bloomberg, adding that hiring in the
According to Boeing’s Com- “The collaboration with Boeing US jet manufacturer’s India head country was “not really” coming at
mercial Market Outlook, India’s air reaffirms our capability to provide Salil Gupte told Bloomberg News in the cost of jobs in other locations.
cargo growth is expected to average world-class MRO services and fur- an interview. Companies have for decades
6.3 per cent annually, driven by the ther contribute to the “Make in In- With about 1.5 million engineer- looked to India to outsource jobs,
country’s manufacturing and e-com- dia” initiative. We thank Boeing for ing students graduating annually, from trade settlement to travel
merce sectors, including its Make the opportunity given and look for- India is a rich source of talent for bookings. Israel Aerospace Indus-
in India initiative. Boeing forecasts ward to working together for future planemakers facing record orders tries, which has worked with part-
demand for more than 75 freighters, initiatives,” said Ashok Gopinath, from airlines as travel surges again ners in India for three decades on air
including production and converted CEO, GMR Aero Technic. after the Covid pandemic. Boeing and missile defense systems, drones,
freighters. Meanwhile, another report by can hire an engineer in Bengaluru, satellites and other equipment, is
India’s long-term forecasted Bloomberg says that Boeing as well India’s southern tech hub, for 7% of among companies in the sector join-
growth in air traffic, and availabili- as Airbus are increasingly looking to the cost of a similar role in Seattle, ing the hiring spree.
ty of a large pool of skilled aviation India for highly-skilled, low-cost en- according to salary data compiler “I’m amazed by the talent you
technicians and engineers, position it gineers to meet a boom in demand Glassdoor. find here in India. We are hiring new
well to become a key regional player for aircraft and expand their man- The country has Boeing’s sec- talent all the time,” Danny Lauber,
in the commercial aviation sector. ufacturing presence in the world’s ond-biggest workforce worldwide, chief executive officer of Israel Aero-
With over eight decades of fifth-largest economy. Gupte said. space’s India unit, said in an inter-
presence in India, Boeing has built Airbus plans to hire 1,000 people “Companies come to India for view. “I have worked in many places
a strong network of support for its in India this year out of 13,000 glob- the incredible talent in innovation, around the world, but I haven’t seen
customers through various initiatives ally. Boeing and its suppliers, which not just in technology and software, such a strong universe of resources.”