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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah MARCH 17, 2023 | The Indian Eye 24
Taking Cold Showers
on 365 days can HELP you to LEAVE
your COMFORT zone
t can also give you the con-
fidence to be able to handle
WAY. Most folks never attain suc-
cess or we can say most people al-
ways avoid success, because they
avoid discomfort at all costs. But the
truth is...’Nothing is achieved with-
out discomfort’. Description
Leaving your comfort zone is
one of the ways to achieve suc-
cess. If we need to improve and
grow, we need to try challeng- Benefits of Taking Cold business and life. may get in your business and life.
It’s time to allow yourself to step
Mental power - Time to be hon-
ing things. We got to jump out Showers est, cold showers are never fun. But out of your comfort zone and build
of our comfort zones. The hab- Resilience - It takes a resilient it’s that feeling afterward that makes a super strong mind and body. As we
human to take a cold bath, especial- cold showers worth it!These types of all know the key factors for an indi-
its of successful people revolve ly in the morning. You are certainly activities build mental strength and vidual that lay the foundation for his
around staying healthy and going to hesitate at first. But beating power which is perhaps the most success are talent, hard work, smart-
that, to take on the cold water every significant ingredient to succeed in work, mindset, strategies, execution
staying sharp. Cold showers day will build up your ‘resilience’, life or in any kind of business and es- and luck and now taking cold show-
may be hard to do indefinitely. not just for taking a cold shower, but pecially in the competitive markets ers can certainly be added to this
‘key factors list’.
for other stuff as well.
To develop a habit, taking cold Having strong resilience built Pain Tolerance - Success is pro- Remember, success is attained
showers must be taken every this way extends to everything else portional to your pain tolerance. Do only when you meet the ‘most effi-
you do, for the rest of the day or
cient’ version of yourself.Caution:
you have the pain tolerance to win
day if possible. week or month or year. As a result, over and make it through life’s and Please check with your doctor be-
taking on bigger challenges in busi- business’s toughest situations?Stop fore taking cold showersExercise:
The immense benefits far out- ness, career and life will get easier. doubting yourself, because you List down the three things that you
weigh the shock value of going Confidence - Taking a cold could actually endure the pain that want to change from your comfort
under cold water, coming off the shower everyday instils confidence comes your way. I zone to discomfort zone.
showerhead. If you are looking to from within. Confidence to beat all ndeed!Good things came from
succeed and to shine and to fly high odds. Confidence to conquer all hur- discomfort. So instead of avoiding it,
and to rule someday, then taking a dles. Confidence to win over all hin- start to confront it. The bottom line The writer is a well-known Astro
daily cold shower is an excellent step drances. Confidence to overcome all Your habit of taking cold show- Strategist and Business Astrologer
to start from NOW. barriers. This in fact translates into ers 100% deserves the praise you Email: [email protected]