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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MARCH 17, 2023 | The Indian Eye 22
raphy. Our courts need more people
like Arun Subramanian,” Schumer
Subramanian completed his BA
in computer science and English
from Case Western Reserve Uni-
versity in 2001. He received his Juris
Doctor (J.D) from Columbia Law
School in 2004 and 3 years later, he
received his law degree from Colum-
bia Law School as a James Kent &
Vedant Patel Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. He also
served as executive editor for the Co-
State Dept official to be interim lumbia Law Review.
spokesperson Currently, Subramanian is a
tate Department spokesperson partner at Susman Godfrey LLP in
Ned Price is stepping down as New York, where he has been work-
Sthe daily face of US foreign pol- Suhas Subramanyam Arun Subramanian ing since 2007. In his career, Arun
icy. The State Department said that has successfully redeemed over a bil-
Vedant Patel will be replaced in the Democrat to run for Virginia Judge confirmed for New York lion dollars for the victims of fraud
interim by his deputy, Vedant Patel, Senate district district court and other illegal conduct.
until a successor is named.
“This month, Ned Price will emocrat Suhas Subramanyam, run Subramanian earns the
step down as the State Depart- a 2-term delegate, of Ashburn, distinction of being appoint-
ment’s Spokesperson,” Secretary of Dwill be running for Virginia’s Aed the first South Asian judge
State Antony Blinken announced. newly-drawn 32nd Senate District. He to serve to be the District Judge for
“Throughout more than 200 brief- currently represents the 87th House the Southern District of New York.
ings he has since held, he’s treated district and will succeed Senator John His nomination was confirmed by
journalists – as well as colleagues and Bell, who will not be in the race for a vote of 58-37. His nomination for
everyone else he interacts with – with Senate again. A resident of Loudoun the United States District Court for
respect,” Blinken said in a statement. County, Subramanyam was elected to the Southern District of New York
Vedant Patel wrote on Twitter, the Virginia General Assembly in 2019 was announced by US President Joe Neeli Bendapudi &
“Always have been in awe of Ned and became the first Indian-American Biden in September 2022. Sunil Kumar
Price. In awe of his unflappability, and South Asian ever be elected. In “We have confirmed Arun Sub-
his big heart, his deep understanding his bid, Subramanyam is endorsed ramanian as an SDNY (Southern AAU names duo as
of foreign policy, his fierce loyalty to by Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton, District of New York) judge. He is a
the State Department and his team. Senator John Bell, and several dem- son of Indian immigrants and the 1st co-chairs of task force
Thankful to have spent time in the ocratic elected leaders representing South Asian-American judge con- he Association of American
foxhole with him, and so glad he’s Eastern Loudoun County. firmed to SDNY — which has one Universities (AAU) is set up
not going far!” “If elected to the Senate, I will of the largest South Asian-American Tto boost India – US university
He further wrote, “Honored and continue the work I started as a dele- populations in the country. He’s ded- alliance. Neeli Bendapudi, president,
humbled by the opportunity to join gate to empower my constituents, put icated his career to fighting for peo- Penn State University, Sunil Kumar,
the State Department led by Antony people and families before special in- ple,” Senate Majority Leader Senate provost, John Hopkins University
Blinken and work with the incredibly terests, and stand up for our core val- Chuck Schumer said immediately and Robert J Jones, upcoming pres-
talented and brilliant workforce of ues,” Subramanyam said. after the confirmation vote. Schumer ident of Tufts University will receive
the Department.” I look forward to sharing my vision also described Subramanian as the co-chairs as per the universities. The
Vedant Patel was born in Gu- this campaign season of creating a ro- “epitome of the American Dream major goal is to strengthen the part-
jarat. Having graduated from the bust economy that works for Loudon and a history maker”. nerships between Indian and Ameri-
University of California, Riverside, families and businesses alike, protect- He was born in Pittsburgh, Penn- can universities.
and MBA from the University of ing our freedoms like reproductive sylvania, in 1979, to a father who was
Florida, Patel served as US President rights and voting rights from extrem- a control systems engineer whereas AAU task force is entrusted
Joe Biden’s assistant press secretary ism, delivering a world-class educa- his mother worked in several roles with recommendations to boost
and spokesperson before getting into tion to our kids, and keeping our com- including as a bookkeeper. research and academic part-
the lead role as the US State Depart- munity safe and healthy,” he added. “Mr. Subramanian’s resume tells
ment’s main deputy spokesperson. Subramanyam has served as a a very clear story: he is excellent, he nerships between the higher
It was a historical moment when White House advisor to President is accomplished, and he’s dedicated educational institutions of both
Vedant Patel became the first In- Barack Obama in 2015. He led a task his entire career fighting for average nations. Also, the goal is to in-
dian-American to hold a daily US force on technology policy address- Americans. He served as a law clerk crease the research partnerships
State Department news conference, ing job creation, IT modernization, to Judge Dennis Jacobs on the Sec- between the two countries to en-
The White House’s senior associate and regulating emerging technology. ond Circuit, Judge Gerard Lynch in hance the global impact of the
communications director, Matt Hill, A technology and regulatory attor- the Southern District of New York,
tweeted after Vedant made an im- ney, he earned his law degree from and the late, great, Justice Ruth Bad- scholarships undertaken by Indi-
pressive debut at the podium in Sep- Northwestern University School of er Ginsburg,” he said. an and US educational institutes.
tember last year: “Representing the Law. He was named to the Loudoun “He’s an expert in consumer
United States on the world stage is a Times-Mirror’s ’40 Under 40′ protection with years of experience “It is an honor to be selected to
huge responsibility, and Vedant did it Subramanyam will face former defending those injured by unfair, help fortify the vital relationship be-
with the utmost professionalism and state delegate and dentist Samirah illegal practices. He is also defended tween American and Indian univer-
clear communication.” in the primary for the 32nd District. victims of child trafficking in pornog- Continued on next page... >>