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BUSINESS EYE MARCH 04, 2022 | The Indian Eye 46
Tech T@lk
Google ditching apple adds dutch voice
chrome’s data saver mode recognition support for siri
on android in HomePod 15.4 beta
oogle is removing a feature reason to keep the option around. merican tech giant Apple has
of Chrome for Android that Unlimited data plans are once again recently added Dutch voice
Gfor years helped people cut the norm, and the company claims Arecognition support for Siri in
down on their mobile data usage. that Chrome has continued to cut the latest HomePod 15.4 beta. As per
As per 9to5Google, Chrome’s ‘Lite back on data usage with default set- Mac Rumours, the addition of this
mode’ will go away with the release of tings. voice recognition means HomePod or
Chrome version M100 in late March. “In recent years we’ve seen a HomePod mini will be able to identify
Lite mode was originally known as decrease in cost for mobile data in who is talking to it in a Dutch-speak-
Data Saver when Google first intro- many countries, and we’ve shipped ing multi-person household so they added Siri voice recognition support
duced it on Android back in 2014. many improvements to Chrome to can make personal requests based on for up to six users in a home in En-
In those days, many smartphone further minimize data usage and im- their own data. The feature builds on glish (India) and Italian. The Home-
owners were on tiered data plans prove web page loading,” the com- the inclusion of Dutch language sup- Pod mini which was first released in
and risked extra charges if they pany wrote on a help page this week. port for Siri in December. In addition October 2020, is currently available in
went over their monthly allotment. “Although Lite mode is going away, to the Netherlands, the HomePod the United States, Australia, Austria,
And in some regions, mobile speeds we remain committed to ensuring mini will likely launch in at least four Canada, China, France, Germany,
were limited -- so Lite mode helped Chrome can deliver a fast webpage more countries in 2022, including Bel- Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Ja-
pages load faster by compressing loading experience on mobile.” gium, Sweden, Switzerland, and Rus- pan, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain,
them. In 2015, Google added the Chrome for Android version sia, as the speaker also gained support Taiwan, and the United Kingdom.
option to block images entirely to M100 will be released to the stable for languages spoken in those coun- The tech giant rolled out the Home-
use even less data. channel on March 29, so Lite mode tries in December update. The pre- Pod mini in yellow, orange, and blue
But Google no longer sees much will remain available until then. vious HomePod 15.3 software update colors in November 2021.