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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MARCH 04, 2022 | The Indian Eye 34
February is Punjabi Language
Month in the state of illinois
n recognition of the contribu-
tions of Punjabi speaking res-
iidents to the communities of
the great state of Illinois, Governor
J.B. Pritzker proclaimed the month
of February as “Punjabi Language
Month” in the great state of Illinois.
This is in accordance with the Unit-
ed Nations International Mother
Language Day which is a worldwide
annual observance held on 21 Feb-
ruary approved by U.N.E.S.C.O. to
promote awareness of linguistic and
cultural diversity and to promote
preservation and protection of all
Punjabi, the 9th most widely Governor J.B. Pritzker
spoken language in the world, The first Asian American U.S.
originated around 7th centu- Congressman from California
ry in the Punjab region of the named Dalip Singh Saund was a
Punjabi. Other well-known Punjabi
undivided India and Pakistan Americans include Nobel Prize win-
in south asia and is spoken ner in medicine Har Gobind Khora-
na, Former Governor of Louisiana
by more than 113 million peo- Bobby Jindal, Former Governor of
ple worldwide mainly by the South Carolina Nicky Haley, U.S.
Congressman Ro Khanna. NASA
Hindus, sikhs, Muslim, and Astronaut Kalpana Chawla, Narind-
christians with roots from the er Singh Kapani widely acknowl-
edged as the father of fiber-optics,
region. It is recognized as one Vinod Dham ‘Inventor of the Pen-
of the official languages in tium Chip,’ the MasterCard CEO
Ajay Banga, and many other large
India, Pakistan, united king- farmers in Southern California who
dom, and canada. besides the grow almonds, raisins, peaches and
many other crops.
above-mentioned countries In addition, there are several
there is a significant presence In recognition of the contributions of Punjabi speaking residents to the commu- noteworthy Punjabis in Canada such
as Harjit Singh Sajjan former Minis-
of Punjabis in Malaysia, east nities of the great state of Illinois, Governor J.B. Pritzker proclaimed the month ter of National Defense of Canada,
african countries, u.a.e., new of February as “Punjabi Language Month” in Illinois Anita Anand the current Minister
of National Defense of Canada,
Zealand, and australia. Jagmeet Singh Leader of New Dem-
Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago. jabis have received accolades for ocratic Party in Canada and Ujjal
There are more than 750,000 “Punjabi Cultural Society of their valor in World Wars I & II, as Dosanjh the former Governor of
Punjabi speaking Americans and Chicago and the Punjabi speaking a matter of fact the only non-British British Columbia.
more than fifty thousand Punjabi Illinoisans are committed to pre- community to receive the highest Punjabi Cultural Society of Chi-
speaking Illinoisans. “Several ac- serving, protecting and sharing their number of Victoria Cross medals for cago is a non-profit all volunteer
tivities and events to celebrate the Punjabi language, literature, arts, their bravery in the battlefield fight- community service organization de-
Punjabi Language Month have been music, dance, culture, films, festi- ing for the allies. Punjabis are proud, voted to promoting Punjabi culture,
planned for the Metro Chicago area. vals and traditions with their fellow adventurous, hospitable people who performing arts, language, educa-
Those will be low key events this year Americans,” said Rajinder Singh are fun loving and take pride in giv- tion, sports, and good citizenship in
due to the ongoing pandemic,” said Mago, Board of Governors, Punjabi ing to the world delicious Punjabi the Chicago Metropolitan area and
Parvinder Singh Nanua, president of Cultural Society of Chicago, “Pun- cuisine,” Mago added. beyond.