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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                MARCH 04, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 32

         dr. Peter jay Hotez to deliver keynote

              address at aaPI’s 40th convention

        OuR BuREAu
        San Antonio, TX
                 e are excited and honored
                 to have Dr. Peter J. Hotez,
        Wan internationally-recog-
        nized physician-scientist in tropical
        diseases and vaccine development to
        deliver the keynote address during
        the 40th American Association of
        Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI)
        Annual  Convention  and  Scientific
        Sessions planned to be held from
        June 23-26, 2022 in the beautiful city
        of San Antonio, Texas,” Dr. Anupa-
        ma Gotimukula, President of AAPI
        announced here today.

        Millions of doses of a new, cheap       Dr. Anupama Gotimukula                  Dr. Hotez                      Dr. Jayesh Shah

        coronavirus vaccine will soon
                                          ty.” While describing it the “World’s  75 years of India’s Independence.  Stern,  Dr. Sat Bir Khalsa, Dr. Dil-
        be available in India, thanks to  Coronavirus Vaccine” Dr. Hotez and  Excellent sessions and programs are  ip Sarkar, Dr. Pankaj Vij, and    Dr.
        the efforts and generosity of     colleagues say CORBEVAX is cheap  planned!,” said Venky Adivi, Chief  Param Dedhia.”
                                          and stable and could be relatively  Executive Officer of the Convention.   Dr. Hotez has authored more
        dr. Hotez, dean of the national  easy  to scale —  will be  key  to  ad-  “Our physician members have  than 600 original papers and is the au-
        school of tropical Medicine and   dressing global equity gaps. “That’s  worked very hard during the Covid  thor of five single-author books, and
                                                                                                              has served previously as President
                                                                            19 pandemic, and the 2022 conven-
                                          all we know how to do is make du-
        Professor of Pediatrics and Mo-   rable, low-cost vaccines for global  tion is a perfect time to heal the  of the American Society of Tropical
        lecular Virology & Microbiology   health,” Hotez said.              healers with a special focus on well-  Medicine and Hygiene. In 2011, he
                                              “The presence of Dr. Hotez, a  ness,” said Dr. Vijay Koli , Advisor  was awarded the Abraham Horwitz
        at  baylor  college of Medicine,  University Professor at Baylor Uni-  for the Convention and past Presi-  Award for Excellence in Leadership
        where he is also the co-director   versity, Fellow in Disease and Pover-  dent of AAPI. Accordingly, “some of  in Inter-American Health by the Pan
                                          ty at the James A Baker III Institute  the major themes at the convention  American Health  Organization of
        of  the  texas  children’s  center  for  Public  Policy,    Senior  Fellow  at  include: Yoga and Meditation prac-  the WHO.  In 2017, he was named by
        for Vaccine development (cVd)     the Scowcroft Institute of Interna-  tices, Welcome kit with books & self-  FORTUNE Magazine as one of the
                                          tional Affairs at Texas A&M Univer-  care  supplies,  A  Personal  Reflex-  34 most influential people in health
        and  texas  children’s Hospital  sity, Faculty Fellow with the Hagler  ology Session, Take home wellness  care, while in 2018 he received the
        endowed chair of tropical Pedi,   Institute for Advanced Studies at  routine, Ailment based yoga thera-  Sustained Leadership Award from
                                          Texas A&M University, and Health  py sessions, Workshop on Spiritual  Research!  In 2019 he received the
        and  his  team  of  researchers,  Policy Scholar in the Baylor Center  well-being, Book talk with Yoga Gu-  Ronald McDonald House Charities
        who have made the new  cor-       for Medical Ethics and Health Poli-  rus, including on the science of Yoga  Award for Medical Excellence.
                                          cy, and a True Friend of India at the  & Lifestyle medicine, as well as a   An ardent champion of vaccines
        beVaX inoculation, which was  AAPI Convention is a way for us,  unique opportunity to visit first of its  going up against a growing national
        developed in  texas with de-      Physicians of Indian Origin to honor  kind in San Antonio, Aum Ashram  “antivax” threat, in 2019, he received
                                          a legendary and celebrated champi-  as part of the Wellness session,” said  the Award for Leadership in Advo-
        cades-old technology and little  on of vaccines, who has developed  Dr. Rajam Ramamurthy, Advisor for  cacy for Vaccines from the American
        support  from  the  u.s.  govern-  vaccines for tropical diseases that af-  the Convention.           Society  of  Tropical  Medicine  and
                                          flict the world’s poorest people as he   Dr. Aruna Venkatesh, Con-  Hygiene.  In 2021 he was recognized
        ment, received emergency use  has devoted his skills, knowledge and  vention Treasurer  pointed out:  “In  by scientific leadership awards from
        authorization last month from     experiences to help the world defeat  addition to colorful entertainment,  the AAMC and the AMA. Dr. Hotez
                                          COVID-19,” said Dr. Jayesh Shah,  exquisite authentic Indian cuisine, es-
                                                                                                              appears frequently on television (in-
        India’s drug regulation agency.   past President of AAPI and Chair of  teemed yoga gurus and experts, who  cluding BBC, CNN, Fox News, and
                                          AAPI Convention 2022.             are  planned  to  share  their  wisdom  MSNBC), radio, and in newspaper
            Unlike other vaccines in the      “AAPI is planning a historic con-  and leading the Wellness Sessions in-  interviews, including the New York
        market, Dr. Hotez and his team  vention in San Antonio to celebrate  clude: Paramaguru R. Sharath Jois,  Times, USA Today, Washington
        “don’t own any intellectual proper-  40 years of AAPI that coincides with  Sadhvi Bhagawati, Saraswati Eddie  Post, and Wall Street Journal.

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