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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                MARCH 04, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 22

                  AARC hosts warm-up meeting

                     to discuss issues facing Asian

                                American communities

        OuR BuREAu
        Edison, NJ
             ARC, now known as AARC- Asian Ameri-
             can Republication Coalition - A not-for-prof-
        sit organization held a warm-up meeting on
        February 19 at the Akbar Restaurant here. The
        meeting was attended by Republican leaders, com-
        munity leaders and independent like-minded per-
        sons. AARC is founded by Hemant Bhatt, Chair-
        man, Sridhar Chillara, Vice Chairman and Deepak
        Malhotra. The purpose of this meeting was to give
        opportunity to invitees about what we should do
        for Asian American Communities to strengthen
        awareness about many challenges they are facing
        and to address them effectively.
            Hemant Bhatt welcomed all invitees and
        gave some background about AARC, its Mission,
        Goals and Objectives. He mentioned that AARC
        is planning to take up English Learning, Social
        upliftment, Healthcare, project for physical or vir-
        tual educational classes, Training, Seminars, and
        Symposiums on U.S.  Constitution, U.S.  Political
        system, Awareness of voting rights and voting sys-
        tems, How to become U.S. Citizens, Citizenship  tees and National level Board of Directors to pur-  Juned Quazi, Councilman, Manalapan, Sunil Hali,
        exams, Who can run for political offices, Laws of  sue the Mission, Goals and Objectives of AARC.  Radio Zindgi and other media outlets’ CEO, Ravi
        political fund raising and its spending and many  Deepak Malhotra thanked all invitees for attend-  Kolla, Yagnesh Chokshi [AARC- President, PA],
        community welfare targeted programs.         ing meeting and appealed to support AARC to  Sanjeev Pandya, Nimish Patel, Jinesh Patel, Neeta
            Sridhar Chillara outlined the roadmap of  undertake various activities narrated by Mr. Bhatt  Ramekar, Dev Makkar, Micky Chopra, Rima, Vin-
        AARC to undertake future activities for Asian  and Mr. Chillara.                           nie Mahajan, Venkat, Jigar Shah, Vihal Patel, Bob
        American  communities.  He  also  mentioned  that   Hemant Bhatt requested all attendees to in-  Tailor and many invitees expressed their views and
        AARC will put up state level Executive Commit-  troduce themselves and express their viewpoints.  full support to AARC and its activities.

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