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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MARCH 04, 2022 | The Indian Eye 21
Ashok Vyas, Poet & Presenter, Program Director, ITVGold Riya Dadhich
(author as well as compiled Rajas- build about 500 toilets and has so far
thani sayings) and Megh Raj Mukul built 62 toilets working with NGOs
(wrote memorable poem on histor- in India. Through the sale of her
ical theme). He also thanked folk artwork, she has so far raised about
dancers and singers in sustaining the USD 45,000 for the cause- ‘Girls, dig-
flow of inspiring richness offered by nity and empowerment.’ Bhandari
Rajasthani, said the PTI report. said that a Jaipur foot artificial limb
On the occasion, a young Indi- camp was held in Sri Lanka. The limb
an-origin girl Riya Dadheech en- fitment camp was inaugurated as
thralled the audience with her per- part of the week-long celebrations to
formance of a Rajasthani dance. mark ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ – 75
Dadheech, through her organization years of India’s Independence.
Purple Paint, sells her artwork and He said this was the 18th camp so
donates all the funds she raises to far, with others being held in nearly
build toilets in schools in India. 14 countries, sponsored by the Min-
“In these schools, there’s a lack istry of External Affairs under the
of toilet facilities and because of that India for Humanity initiative. The
girls drop out of school” and are not gathering also relished authentic Ra-
able to pursue their education, she jasthani cuisine on the occasion, the
told PTI. Dadheech has pledged to agency reported. The gathering at the Indian Consulate in New York
Mirror Match aims to be Ferrari of match-making industry
OuR BuREAu staff members who will provide in-
dustry-leading guidance towards
New York
self-betterment and maximizing or-
irror Match was created ganic matches.
to make the experience of A lot of candidates may feel shy
Mfinding a life partner fun at first, but once they feel more and
and memorable. It aims to provide a more comfortable, they’ll see that
fair and cost-effective service which they’re in good hands and around
will maximize a person’s chances of great company,” he said.
meeting the right man or woman. One event can change the direc-
Free events and Events packed to the tion of a candidate’s life as you never
brim have proven to not be effective know who you’ll meet or what you’ll
and a waste of time. “We want to be experience. As Dhruv said it best,
the Ferrari or Lamborghini of the “We’ll give you the tools necessary to
industry, not Honda or Toyota,” said increase your success rates and meet
founder Dhruv Bhatt. some cool people along the way.”
The organization strives to max- It’s never too late to put your
imize each dollar and minute spent cultivated a formula which we be- dates will have several opportunities best foot forward, and Mirror Match
with to ensure nothing goes to waste. lieve captures the magic of first dates to meet like-minded individuals as is here to hold your hand along the
“With our years of experience, we’ve and meaningful connections. Candi- well as connect with knowledgeable way on this magical journey.”