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P. 41

SPORTS                                                                 MARCH 03, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 41

            The  all-rounder was very close
        to playing  the second  Test in  Delhi
        but eventually decided against it. “I
        was so, so close last game, but I think
        probably having an extra week has
        helped a lot, I am 100% ready to go,” quoted Green as say-
            “It’s just a few instances in the
        nets where I’d go for a sweep and
        it just jarred the end of my bat. We
        probably just thought that we’d sac-
        rifice a game and with obviously the
        year ahead that we’ve got, it’s proba-
        bly the right call,” he added.
            Australia will  welcome  the ad-
        dition of a fast-bowling option in
        Green. The all-rounder has 806 Test
        runs at 35.04 average and six half-cen-
        turies to his credit. He has also taken
        23 wickets at a 29.78 average, with
        one five-for.
            Green’s return to the line-up is a
        huge relief for Australia, who are al-
        ready dealing with injuries and depar-
        tures. David Warner, Ashton Agar,
        and Josh Hazelwood have already
        left, and skipper Pat Cummins is in
        Australia for a family issue.                                Pat Cummins is out of action after the second Test match at Delhi

               CAREER FUTURE              seen it before with the ex-players as   India will play Australia in In-  match started. Images of “selective
                                          well. So, for me if I’m taking pressure   dore for the third Test that starts on   watering” also emerged online, which
              ustralia batter David Warner   off the rest of the other guys, and no   March 1 while the fourth Test will be   was done to ensure the areas outside
              has embraced the idea of his   one’s worrying about the rest of the   played in Ahmedabad from March 9.   off stump of left-handers were left
        ATest career being ended be-      team, I’m happy to do that,” Warner                                 dry for spinners.
        fore the Ashes, deciding to continue   told reporters at Sydney Airport as   NAGPUR AND DELHI PITCHES     Warner’s concerns about the
        purely as a white ball player if he re-  quoted by Sydney Morning Herald.  RECEIVE “AVERAGE” RATING   surface were very evident the way he
        ceives the call to be informed of his   When asked if Warner was still                                practised. He batted right-handed
        long-form time is done.           in  Australia’s  plans  for  the  five-Test   ndia’s pitches in Nagpur and Del-  during the nets session and even con-
            The experienced opener re-    series against England in June, selec-  hi  for  the  first  two  Tests  of  the   sidered doing so during the match.
        turned to Sydney on Thursday after   tor Tony Dodemaide was hesitant to  IBorder-Gavaskar Trophy against   Indian spinners were able to ex-
        his tour of India was cut short due   commit to the aggressive left-hander.  Australia have received an average   ploit the surface better, evident by the
        to an elbow injury. After being hit   “We’re worried about what we   rating from the International Crick-  fact that both matches ended in three
        by Mohammed Siraj during the first   can get out of these remaining two   et Council (ICC), reported Sydney   days with the spin duo of Ravichan-
        innings of the second Test in Delhi,   Tests (in India), obviously that’s a   Morning Herald on Thursday.  dran Ashwin  and  Ravindra Jadeja
        Warner suffered a hairline fracture in   clear focus for us at the moment.   The  playing  surfaces  were  a   dominating the Australian batters.
        his left elbow.                   We’ll address the Ashes planning (at   subject  of  huge  discussion  ahead  of   Jadeja and Axar Patel proved to
            He was hit on the helmet two   a later time), but we are committed   the blockbuster series. The pitch at   be difficult to dismiss for Australians
        overs later, experiencing delayed con-  to  picking  the  best  fit  and  available   Vidarbha Cricket Association Stadi-  as spin veteran Nathan Lyon, Todd
        cussion symptoms, and was substitut-  players  for  Test  series,  particularly   um in Nagpur has received an “aver-  Murphy, Pat Cummins, Scott Boland
        ed out of the Test match.         something as big as the Ashes. That’s   age” rating from the governing body   failed to dismiss them for low scores.
            Despite scoring just one Test cen-  not a question that we’ve addressed   of the sport and its match referee,   Jadeja and Patel have scored 254
        tury in the previous three years, the   so far. We are very keen, as everyone   Zimbabwe’s Andy Pycroft. The strip   runs combined in the series, which is
        36-year-old feels he is the fine batter   I’m sure at home would be, for us to   for the second Test at the Arun Jait-  more than 242 runs made by seven
        to open the batting in this year’s Ash-  get something out of this remaining   ley Stadium in Delhi, where Australia   left-handers playing in the Australian
        es tour.                          series,” said the Australia batter.  fought hard for two days before bun-  team - Usman Khawaja, Travis Head,
            “I’ve  always  said  I’m playing  to   Warner, along with bowling all-  dling out for 113 runs in the third, was   Alex Carey, Warner, Matt Kuh-
        2024; if the selectors feel that I’m not   rounder Ashton Agar, has left the   also an “average” rating by Pycroft.   nemann, Matt Renshaw and Murphy.
        worthy of my spot, then so be it, and   troublesome trip, with Australia be-  The surface was deemed to be fair if   Australia’s  high-performance
        I can push on to the white-ball stuff.   hind 0-2 and their chances of recov-  not perfect.           chief, Ben Oliver defended his side’s
        I’ve got the next 12 months, a lot of   ering the Border-Gavaskar Trophy   The preparation of the Nagpur   truncated preparation for Indian
        crickets ahead for the team and if I   already ended. Australia is already   pitch was of heavy interest to the   pitches, but his predecessor Pat How-
        can keep scoring runs and putting my   without  the  services  of  Josh  Hazel-  Australian side. Star batters David   ard  pointed out  that  a  prolonged
        best foot forward for the team and   wood due to a persistent Achilles in-  Warner  and  Steve  Smith  were  seen   period of preparations are needed.
        I can help my spot, it’d be great for   jury while Mitchell Starc is expected   observing the surface closely and   Back in 2017 during their last visit to
        the team. It’s easy pickings (for crit-  to play in Indore after having recov-  pressing against the pitch to check its   India, Australia had taken a 1-0 lead,
        ics) when you’re 36 going on 37. I’ve   ered from his finger injury.  hardness at various points before the   but lost the series by 2-1.

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