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SPORTS                                                                MARCH 01, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 47

         Mohammed Shami ruled out
             of IPL 2024: Sources
           ndia’s prime pacer Mohammed
           Shami is unlikely to play any part
        Iin the upcoming Indian Premier
        League (IPL) 2024 due to an injury that
        would require surgery, according to
        sources. This comes as a significant blow
        to the franchise as Shami was the lead-
        er of the Gujarat Titans’ pace attack.
            “When he went for surgery the
        last time he was given some injections
        but that didn’t work out for him. So
        now he will undergo surgery. It seems
        that he will miss IPL,” a Gujarat Ti-
        tans’ source told ANI.
            Shami  contributed  significantly
        to GT’s success in both seasons. The
        33-year-old bowler picked up 20 wick-
        ets in 2022 and followed it up with an
        even  stronger  performance  in  IPL
        2023, taking 28 wickets at an average
        of 18.64. Shami was especially devas-
        tating with the new ball.
            The 33-year-old, who is not play-
        ing in the current five-match Test se-
        ries against England, last represented
        India  in  the  ODI  World  Cup  final                   Shami was the highest wicket taker for India in the last world cup (ANI Photo)
        against Australia in November.
            Shami, who took 24 wickets in     Pandya and Pant are expected to   ting at No.4.’ That’s just what he’s like,   chance to train under one of his crick-
        India’s spectacular  World Cup  cam-  go through another round of match   but  we’ll  keep  our  fingers  crossed.   eting idols, as he was picked up by the
        paign, played with agony due to land-  simulation and conditioning drills on   He’s such a dynamic player. He’s ob-  Punjab franchise for Rs 20 Lakhs for
        ing issues but did not allow it to hinder   Thursday. According to ESPNcricin-  viously our captain. We missed him   the coming edition of the Indian Pre-
        his performance.                  fo, Pant didn’t experience any dis-  incredibly last year. If you understand   mier League.
            GT will head into the IPL 2024   comfort throughout the 20-over game   the journey he’s been on the last 12-  “I  remember  my  meeting  with
        without Hardik Pandya, who left the   and the team that monitored him   13 months, it was a horrific incident.   Bangar Sir. I was 10-11 years old at
        franchise  after  guiding  the  team  to   is  believed  to  be  satisfied  with  the   One that I know he feels very lucky to   the time, and I asked him to advise me
        their maiden trophy in 2022. Pandya   left-handed batter’s endurance level.   have even survived, let alone have the   on my batting stance. Now, the dream
        made his return to five-time champi-  However, Pandt didn’t take the gloves   chance to play cricket again,” Ponting   is  fulfilled  and  I  am  here  at  Punjab
        ons Mumbai Indians and succeeded   during the practice match.       added.                            Kings, and will receive coaching un-
        Rohit Sharma  to become  the cap-     He also posted a video on Ins-    “We’ll  just  keep  our  fingers   der him”, Ashutosh said.
        tain of the franchise. The star opener   tagram, in which he was taking part   crossed and hope that he can be out   Ashutosh, who hails from the city
        Shubman Gill  will  lead  the  Gujarat   in wicketkeeping and mobility drills.   there and play. Even if it’s not all the   of Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh, began
        Titans in IPL 2024.               This has become a part of Pant’s low-  games, if we can manage him through   his cricketing journey at a young age.
                                          er-body conditioning for the past six   10 of the 14 games or whatever that   Due to a lack of opportunities in his
          Rishabh Pant goes through       weeks.                            might be then whatever games you   hometown, he moved to Indore when
                                              Earlier this month, Delhi Capitals
          match-simulation exercises      head coach Ricky Ponting stated that   can get out of him will be a bonus,”   he was 8 years old to train at Madhya
                                                                                                              Pradesh Cricket Association’s resi-
                                                                            Ponting stated.
           ndia wicketkeeper batter Rishabh   their star performer Pant was opti-                             dential academy.
           Pant has begun going through a   mistic about his return but the former   Ashutosh Sharma ready to set   “When I left home, I did not have
        Iseries of match-simulation exer-  Australia skipper feels that anything       IPL ablaze             enough money. I used to go to a camp
        cises in Bengaluru as he looks to re-  that they get from the 26-year-old will                        and I started umpiring in matches
        gain  fitness  ahead  of  the  upcoming   be a bonus for the team.        fter a Punjab Kings batting   to afford lunch. We were a family of
        edition of the Indian Premier League   “Rishabh  is  very  confident  that   camp in Mumbai, the new en-  limited means, and it was hard to do
        (IPL), according to ESPNcricinfo.  he’s going to be right to play. In what  Atrant, Ashutosh Sharma was   everything on my own so early. But I
            Pant is yet to make an appear-  capacity we’re not quite sure yet. You   sitting excitedly with his phone in his   never let it affect my family about my
        ance after he sustained injuries during   would have seen all the social-media   hand, waiting for former Indian crick-  struggles as I did not want them to
        a near-fatal car accident in December   stuff, he’s up and about and running   eter Sanjay Bangar to arrive. Bangar,   worry,” he recalled.
        2022.                             well. But in saying that we’re only   the Head of Cricket Development   During a rough batting patch,
            On Tuesday, Pant and Mumbai   six  weeks  away  from  the  first  game   of the franchise, was delighted when   while playing U19 cricket, Ashutosh
        Indians skipper Hardik Pandya, who,   as well. So we’re not sure if we’ll get   Ashutosh showed his 12-year-old self-  thought of punishing himself by doing
        too, is recovering from an ankle inju-  wicketkeeping out of him this year,”   ie alongside him.      all his household chores without any
        ry, played a 20-over practice game at   Ponting said as quoted from ES-  While Bangar was a part of the   help, believing it would bring disci-
        the KSCA facility in Alur, Karnataka.   PNcricinfo.                 now-defunct Kochi franchise when   pline and remind him of the sacrifices
        Both players were under the super-    “But I’ll guarantee if I asked him   the selfie was taken, Ashutosh was a   he had made to reach the level. “After
        vision of National Cricket Academy   now he’ll say, ‘I’m playing every game,   young ball boy. Over a decade later,   doing so for a month, I scored a hun-
        physios and trainers.             I’m keeping every game and I’m bat-  the 25-year-old cricketer will have a   dred,” he recalled.

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