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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                MARCH 11, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 26

                        Senators durbin and Grassley

              introduce bipartisan H-1B, L-1 visa

                                            reform legislation

                                                                                                              ments; assurance that intra-company
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              transfers occur between legitimate
        Washington, DC                                                                                        branches of a company and do not in-
                                                                                                              volve “shell” facilities; and a change
              wo leading US senators have                                                                     to  the  definition  of  “specialized
              introduced a bipartisan legisla-
        ttion that would prioritize those                                                                     knowledge” to ensure that L-1 visas
                                                                                                              are  reserved  only for truly key per-
        with advanced US degrees in the dis-                                                                  sonnel.
        tribution of high skilled work visas do-                                                                  Durbin also Tuesday introduced
        ing away with the current lottery sys-                                                                the Resolving Extended Limbo for
        tem. The legislation “to reform and                                                                   Immigrant Employees and Families
        close loopholes in the H-1B and L-1                                                                   (RELIEF) Act, legislation to elim-
        visa programs” was introduced in the                                                                  inate the family and employment
        Senate Tuesday by Senate Democrat-                                                                    green card backlog by increasing the
        ic Majority Whip Dick Durbin, Chair                                                                   number of green cards.
        of the  Senate  Judiciary Committee,
        and Senator Chuck Grassley, Repub-
        lican Ranking Member of the Senate                                                                    almost four million future amer-
        Judiciary Committee.                                                                                  icans are on the State depart-

        H-1B visas are used by uS com-                                                                        ment’s immigrant visa waiting
        panies to employ high skilled         Durbin  and  Grassley  first  in-  including  H-1B  workers  who  have   list, in addition to hundreds of

        foreign workers in specialty oc-  troduced the legislation in 2007 and  been placed by another employer at  thousands of immigrants in the
                                          have been long-time advocates for  the American worker’s worksite.
        cupations. L-1 visas are avail-   H-1B and L-1 visa reform. “Reform-    Importantly, the  legislation will   uS who are also waiting for green
        able for intracompany trans-      ing the H-1B and L-1 visa programs is  crack down on outsourcing compa- cards, according to a press
                                          a critical component to fixing Amer-  nies that import large numbers of   release  issued  by  his  office.
        ferees who work in managerial  ica’s  broken  immigration  system,”  H-1B and L-1 workers for temporary
        positions or have specialized     Durbin said. “For years, outsourcing  training purposes only to send the   However,  under  current  law,
                                          companies have used legal loopholes  workers back to their home countries
        knowledge. indians profession-    to displace qualified American work-  to do the same job.           only 226,000 family green cards and
        als extensively use such visas.   ers, exploit foreign workers, and fa-  Specifically,  the  bill  would  pro-  140,000  employment  green  cards
                                          cilitate the outsourcing of American  hibit companies with more than 50  are available annually. Children and
                                          jobs. Our legislation would fix these  employees, of which at least half are  spouses of lawful permanent resi-
            Durbin also separately introduced  broken programs, protect workers,  H-1B  or  L-1  holders,  from  hiring  dents (LPRs) count against these
        a legislation to eliminate the family  and put an end to these abuses.”  additional H-1B employees. The bill  numbers, further restricting the num-
        and employment green card backlog     “Congress created the H-1B and  gives the US Department of Labor  ber of available green cards. “Amer-
        by increasing the number of green  L-1 visa programs to complement  enhanced authority to review, investi-  ica is a nation of immigrants. But
        cards. An estimated 1.2 million indi-  America’s high-skilled workforce, not  gate, and audit employer compliance  without enough green cards avail-
        viduals, a majority of them Indians,  replace  it,”  he  said.  “Our  bill  takes  with program requirements, as well  able annually, immigrant families are
        are stuck in a decades long green card  steps to ensure that the programs  as to penalize fraudulent or abusive  stuck in crippling backlogs for years
        backlog. The H-1B and L-1 Visa Re-  work for Americans and skilled for-  conduct.                     or even decades,” Durbin said.
        form Act will reduce fraud and abuse,  eign workers alike,” Grassley said.  It requires the production of   Along with eliminating the fami-
        provide  protections  for  American   The H-1B and L-1 Visa Reform  extensive statistical data about the  ly and employment green card back-
        workers and visa holders, and require  Act will require US Citizenship and  H-1B  and  L-1  programs,  including  log within five years, the bill will help
        more transparency in the recruitment  Immigration Services to prioritize for  wage data, worker education levels,  keep American families together
        of foreign workers, according to a  the first time the annual allocation of  place of employment, and gender.  by classifying spouses and children
        press  release  from  Durban’s  office.  H-1B visas.                    In  addition,  the  H-1B  and  L-1  of LPRs as immediate relatives and
            This comprehensive overhaul of    The legislation explicitly pro-  Visa Reform Act includes several  exempting  derivative  beneficiaries
        the H-1B and L-1 visa programs will  hibits the replacement of American  reforms of the L-1 visa program, in-  of employment-based petitions from
        protect American workers and crack  workers by H-1B or L-1 visa holders,  cluding establishment of a wage floor  annual green card limits, protect
        down on foreign outsourcing com-  and clarifies that the working condi-  for L-1 workers; authority for the US  “aging out” children who qualify for
        panies, which exploit these visa pro-  tions of similarly employed American  Department of Homeland Security to  LPR status based on a parent’s immi-
        grams to deprive qualified Americans  workers may not be adversely affect-  investigate, audit, and enforce com-  gration petition, and lift per-country
        of high-skilled jobs, it said.    ed by the hiring of an H-1B worker,  pliance with L-1 program require-  limitations, the release said.

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