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Op-ED                                                                  MARCH 11, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 16

        cold calculations of national interest and india’s

                    difficult position on russia and ukraine

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              he war in Ukraine is getting
              uglier. Civilian targets are get-
        tting hit and civilian deaths will
        likely mount. Vladimir Putin, denied
        a quick victory, will almost certainly
        not pull back now. He’s already, with
        jaw-dropping recklessness, rattled the
        nuclear sabre and his foreign minister
        has warned of World War III with nu-
        clear weapons. As the situation turns
        graver, as human costs of the invasion
        mount,  countries  previously  staying
        out of punitive actions against Russia
        are now changing their position. Tra-
        ditionally neutral Switzerland has fro-
        zen Russian assets. Finland, another
        country with non-aligned traditions,
        is sending weapons to the Ukrainian
        resistance. Turkey has limited access
        to Russian warships to the Black Sea.
        Russian energy-dependent Germa-
        ny is already planning for scenarios
        where Moscow weaponizes the sup-
        ply of gas to Europe’s largest econo-
        my. At the UN, criticism against Rus-
        sia is growing.
            So, the question comes, can In-
        dia continue to hold on to its ‘abstain’
        position  indefinitely?  All  the  argu-
        ments made by those who advocate a
        ‘neutral’ position are by now familiar.
        The question about that stand is can         Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan in Moscow last Thursday (ANI Photo)
        it or should it persist despite Russia’s
        current actions and its increasing iso-
                                                                                  s the war in Ukraine gets tough-
        lation, Putin’s dangerous gambles like   handiwork and push back history.   er, bloodier, and messier, and   bing up and down. The first is about
                                                                                                              alliances, based on both econom-
                                              Trying to prevent a special ses-
        putting nuclear weapons on alert, not
                                          sion of the United Nations General  aas American pressure increases
        to mention an economy that can get   Assembly to discuss the crisis is hard-  on India to move away from Russia   ic and security concerns. One of
                                                                                                              the issues that provoked the war in
        seriously hurt.                   ly the way to ensuring that Ukraine’s   and become a part of the American   Ukraine has to do with NATO. The
           -- Editorial, The Times of India
                                          ambassador there will jump up from   camp, India’s neutrality becomes a   second  is  about  friendly  regimes  in
              here is scarcely a country in   his seat to embrace India’s represen-  difficult  one  to  hold.  Choosing  one   the neighborhood. Russia perceives
             Asia without a Donetsk or a   tative as he did Singapore’s. It would   of the two sides is not going to help   the government of President Volody-
        tLuhansk yearning to throw        have been different if India had been   either. It is possible for India to hold   myr Zelenskyy to be anti-Russia and,
        off the central authority and find its   prepared to confront the United   on to the position it has now taken,  therefore, a threat to Russia. The
        own niche in the sun. Nor is there   States of America over NATO’s east-  squeezing in a bit here, and wiggling   third issue is that of nationalism, and
        any dearth of precariously positioned   ward march and the coup that top-  out there. And it can tumble along   the fourth is religion. The last two are
        nations like Cuba, Venezuela, Nic-  pled Ukraine’s democratically elected   without making its position clear. But   explicit ideological factors in Russian
        aragua and Syria to curry favor with   president but such candor isn’t India’s   at the end of the day, India may have   President Vladimir Putin’s stance
        ruthless victors by following their lead.  diplomatic style.        to think out its stance, both in govern-  over Ukraine. We in India have not
        Aspirants for independence like the   Meanwhile, the tragic death of   ment and outside. It is not enough to   talked  about  these  things  with  suffi-
        Georgian provinces of South Ossetia   a  21-year-old  medical  student  from   blame America and NATO’s double   cient honesty and clarity.
        and Abkhazia, which have also rec-  Karnataka and the uncertain fate of   standards while paying lip service to
        ognized Ukraine’s two breakaway re-  other stranded young Indians warn   Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial   --Parsa Venkateshwar Rao Jr,
        publics, probably hope that someone   of bigger dangers ahead. No one is in-  integrity.                          The Quint
        will in turn reciprocate the favor.  clined to listen to India’s pieties about   There are serious issues of inter-  Every week, we look at what the top
            India  needs  to  be  careful  in  all  ‘dialogue and diplomacy’.   national politics underlying the war   commentators in the Indian media are
        this horse-trading and tightrope walk-  -- Sunanda K. Datta-Ray,    in Ukraine, raising several questions   talking about and bring to you a slice
        ing as Vladimir Putin invokes nuclear                               about international relations. There   of their opinions and comments
        power to undo Mikhail Gorbachev’s        The Telegraph (India)      are at least four issues that are bob-

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