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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            FEBRUARY 24, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 23


                           CAMPAIGN FOR DISTRICT D

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 am an Indian immigrant who came to the Unit-
                                                                                                   ed States to get a college education and begin my
        Cary, NC
                                                                                                   career in cybersecurity.  My husband, Naresh Lu-
             arika Bansal, a cybersecurity consultant, and                                         nani, and I moved to Cary to raise our daughter
             businesswoman,  today  announced  her  cam-                                           and start a small retail business.”
       Spaign for Cary Town Council District D.
            “I am running for Town Council because we                                              “Our hard work with determination perse-
        must embrace Cary’s potential.  We must include
        more voices from the community so the town can                                             vered and we built a great life in Cary.  I
        make  strategic  investments  for  future  genera-                                         want to make sure the same opportunity is
        tions,” said Ms. Bansal.
            The mother of a 14-year-old daughter, Aanya                                            available to everyone who want to call Cary
        Lunani, Ms. Bansal says her focus will be on public                                        home,” said Ms. Bansal.
        safety, smart growth, and investments in the town’s
            “We need to enhance our parks programs in-                                                Ms. Bansal, 43, is a graduate of Fairleigh Dick-
        cluding aquatics and tennis in western Cary,” said                                         inson University. She is happily married to her
        Ms. Bansal.                                                                                husband Naresh Lunani.
              “I  know  the  importance  of  community  ser-                                          The couple are active in numerous civic and
        vices. By providing access to essential services,                                          community organizations including animal rescue
        it will help improve the well-being of individuals                                         support groups, Sankara Eye Foundation, We Win,
        and families, build relationships, engage meaning-                                         Pratham USA and Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
        ful activities, and strengthen overall vitality of the                                     Ms. Bansal, Mr. Lunani and Aanya Lunani are ac-
        community.”                                                                                tive in several temples and cultural organizations
            “I’m proud  to live the American dream.  I                                             in RTP.

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