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BUSINESS EYE                                                       FEBRUARY 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 43

                                                              Tech T@lk

            samsung Galaxy tab s8                                                 signal allows users to

                     trio goes official                                       change numbers without

                                                                                              losing chats

             amsung has unveiled three new   120 field of view. The front cams also
             tablets -- including the Gal-  support up to 4K video recordings
        Saxy Tab S8, Tab S8+, and Tab     this time around. The rear houses a
        S8 Ultra -- at the Galaxy Unpacked   13MP main cam alongside a 6MP ul-    ood news for all the Signal   number. Then, head over to the new
        event on Wednesday.               trawide snapper.                        app users! The instant mes-  ‘Change Phone Number’ option un-
            1. Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra The big-   Tab S8 Ultra gets the quad ste-  Gsage application is rolling out   der Signal’s account settings, where
        gest and most powerful Galaxy Tab   reo speaker setup tuned by AKG   a new feature that will allow users to   you’ll be asked to enter in both the
        S to date - that’s the elevator pitch   from previous Galaxy Tabs as well   switch phone numbers on  their ac-  old and new numbers. Lastly, Sig-
        for the Tab S8 Ultra. As per GSM   as  an  in-display  optical  fingerprint   counts without losing all their existing   nal will guide you through the usual
        Arena, it brings a massive 14.6-inch   reader. All three Tab S8 models get   chats, groups, and messages.  registration process for setting up a
        Super AMOLED display with a       a bundled S Pen stylus. The shell on   As per The Verge, the new fea-  phone number with one of its ac-
        2960x1848px resolution and a 120Hz   all three tablets is made from alu-  ture is intended for users who are   counts.
        variable  refresh  rate.  It’s  the  first   minium and Samsung claims is more   keeping their current phone but get-  Once you’ve  successfully  up-
        Samsung tablet with a notch which   durable and less prone to  bending   ting a new phone number. If you’re   dated your number, contacts you’ve
        is a controversial design choice by   than the Tab S7 series.       just upgrading to a new phone and   been chatting with in Signal will see
        Samsung  considering  its  past  ridi-  Qualcomm’s   latest   flagship   want to keep all your stuff, you’ll   a new message inline in your thread
        cule of Apple’s notched devices.  Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset sits at the   need to use Signal’s local data trans-  that notes that you’ve changed their
            Samsung managed to slim down   helm aided by 8, 12 or 16GB RAM   fer feature to send over your data   phone number, along with a help-
        the  display  bezels to  just  6.3mm   and 128/256/512GB storage which   from your old device to a new one.  ful link to update your contact card
        while fitting two 12MP cameras in-  is also expandable via the microSD   In order to add a new number,   accordingly. Crucially, though, you
        side the notch - a regular wide sen-  slot. The software side is covered by   you’ll still need to be able to get   won’t lose your existing thread or
        sor and an ultrawide module with a   Android 12 with One UI 4.1 on top.   Signal messages sent to your old   groups that you’re already a part of.

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