Page 42 - The Indian EYE 021822
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BUSINESS EYE                                                       FEBRUARY 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 42

                                            rIcHest In asIa:

                                mukesh ambani and

         Gautam adani fight for top slot

        As Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg lost nearly $31 billion in his net worth, Mukesh Ambani

                               and Gautam Adani moved ahead of him in the world’s rich list

        OUR BUREAU

               autam   Adani    overtook
               Mukesh Ambani on Tuesday
        Gto become the wealthiest per-
        son in Asia, according to Bloomberg’s
        list of the world’s richest people. The
        59-year-old founder of Adani Group
        controls companies ranging from
        ports and aerospace to thermal ener-
        gy and coal, and now has a net worth
        of  $88.5  billion,  according  to  the
        Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
            But Reliance Industries chair-
        man Mukesh Ambani on Wednesday
        regained the richest Asian tag, a day
        after billionaire Gautam Adani had
        surpassed him for the top spot. As
        per the global ranking of billionaires
        given by Bloomberg, with a total net                  Gautam Adani                                      Mukesh Ambani
        worth  of  $89.2  billion,  Ambani  is
        placed at the 10th spot, while Adani
        dropped 1 place to the 11th.      ni and Adani are also the two richest   Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s eco-  Adani Group listed its seventh com-
            In the last few months, Adani   people in Asia.                 nomic development goals.          pany and this portfolio is valued at
        and Ambani have been swapping po-     The Meta stock crashed after the   Ambani, who controls Reliance   over $153 billion. Adani Wilmar that
        sitions for the top spot on the billion-  company said that technology ma-  Industries, is now in the Bloomberg   was valued at close to Rs 35,000 crore
        aires’ rankings.                  jor Apple’s new data-sharing policy   index’s 11th spot with a net worth of   is better known for Fortune brand of
            The mega market hammering     for all its devices made it difficult for   $87.9 billion.          edible oil and other edible items such
        suffered by Facebook parent Meta on   Facebook to mine and use the data for   Meanwhile, shares of the FMCG   as rice, pulses, wheat flour and sugar.
        Thursday-- it recorded its worst-ever   expanding its businesses.   major Adani Wilmar was listed on the   It’s initial public offer of Rs 3600
        26%  crash  and  suffered  a  $230-bil-  Like other billionaires around the   bourses  with  impressive  gain  amidst   crore was oversubscribed by 18 times
        lion erosion in market capitalization   world, Adani has seen his wealth sky-  volatile indices. Offered at Rs 230,  with strong interest from long term in-
        -- had a silver lining for the two richest   rocket during the pandemic. He was   Adani Wilmar closed at Rs 268.25 on   vestors like GiC, HDFC, Birla and Nip-
        Indians. As Facebook founder Mark   worth less than $40 billion at this time   NSE with the gain of 16.63 per cent,  pon Mutual funds. The funds will be
        Zuckerberg lost nearly $31 billion in   last year. With this massive spike, he   on Tuesday.          used for setting up new plants, repaying
        net worth, Mukesh Ambani and Gau-  has overtaken India’s energy-to-tech   The share price witnessed an in-  debt and making strategic acquisitions.
        tam Adani moved ahead of him in the   entrepreneur Mukesh Ambani, to be-  traday high of Rs 271.25 and low of   Adani Wilmar, over two decades
        world’s rich list, Forbes data showed.  come the world’s 10th richest person.  Rs 227. Investors’ interest in Adani   old 50:50 JV, enjoys highest 18 per
            On Thursday, Forbes Real Time     Adani Group has performed ex-  Wilmar was evident from the high vol-  cent market share in India’s cooking
        Billionaire Index put the total net   ceptionally well on the Indian stock   ume of the debutant scrip despite the   oil business. It also has a significant
        worth of Adani at $91.1 billion, and   market during the pandemic. Shares   volatility in the market. Over 13.50   presence in industrial segments with
        that  of  Ambani  at  $89.2  billion.  In   of Adani Enterprises have jumped   crore equity shares of Adani Wilmar   market leadership in few other prod-
        comparison Zuckerberg was at $82.9   more than 1,000% on the National   were traded on NSE and close to 75   uct categories. Adani Wilmar diversi-
        billion. According to data from   Stock Exchange in Mumbai since    lakh shares on the BSE. On Tuesday,  fied into the food business three years
        Bloomberg, however, Zuckerberg    June 2020, a sign that investors are   Nifty 50 closed with gain of 0.31 per   back and it is growing at 25 per cent
        was ahead of the two Indians at $89.6   optimistic about Adani’s ability to bet   cent at 17,266 after touching the day’s   CAGR. The company is planning to
        billion, while Ambani was at $89.2 bil-  on sectors such as infrastructure and   low at 17,043.65.    strengthen its FMCG portfolio with
        lion and Adani at $87.4 billion. Amba-  renewable energy, which are key to   With this Gautam Adani led   new product offerings in near future.

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