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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               February 12, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          27

                                                           sPlit in halF:

         indian americans support liberal ideas in

                   uS, most still support modi in india

                       Indian Americans have mixed opinions about India’s trajectory as a democracy

        Our Bureau
        New York
                report released on Tues-
                day based on a survey
                of the Indian American
        community  in  September  last
        year, indicates that Indian Amer-
        icans  have  mixed  opinions  on
        the present trajectory of Indian
        democracy. The survey was con-
        ducted by YouGov for Carnegie
        Endowment  for  International
        Peace, Johns Hopkins Universi-
        ty, and the University of Pennsyl-
        vania between September 1 and
        September 20. It had a total of  these, 60% were opposed to the  acy in the US as a threat to mi-             and important.”
        1,200 respondents.                   ‘Muslim travel ban’ imposed by  norities. Only 40% of the Hindus             The range of political aware-
            The survey reiterated the  former  US  President  Donald  were apprehensive of Hindu ma-                  ness and opinions among the
        popularity  of  the  Bharatiya  Ja- Trump  but  only  49%  opposed  joritarianism, compared to 67%            survey’s  respondents  reflects
        nata  Party  (BJP)  among  the  the Indian government’s Citizen- of the non-Hindus.                           the diverse demographics of the
        community as 32% favored BJP  ship Amendment Act (CAA).                      With a population of over 4      diaspora.  “Overall,  our  sample
        while just 12% backed the Con-          While  holding  relatively  lib- million,  Indian  Americans  are     supports Modi more than they
        gress. However, 40% of the re- eral views when it comes to US  now  the  second  largest  immi-               don’t,”  said  Sumitra  Badrina-
        spondents said that they don’t  politics,  Indian  Americans  are  grant  group  in  America,  and            than,  a  PhD  candidate  at  the
        identify with any political party.  conservative when it comes to is- wooing them has been an im-             University  of  Pennsylvania  and
        The  report  stated,  “an  arms- sues back in India. For example,  portant  element  of  the  Modi            a co-author of the report. “But
        length  relationship  to  everyday  it says, “Hindus and non-Hindus  government’s  foreign  policy.           when you break that up, you see
        politics in India.”                  agree  (the  latter  more  so)  that  Support  for  him,  the  survey    stark differences by religion, age,
            Modi continues to remain  white supremacy is a threat in the  shows, is highest among Hindus              education, etc.”
        popular  among  Indian  Amer- United  States,  but  significantly  and Republicans in the diaspora.               Modi’s support is highest
        icans  as  35%  strongly  approve  diverge  on  the  threat  posed  by       Milan  Vaishnav,  director       among  self-identified  Repub-
        of his job performance and 13%  Hindu majoritarianism in India.” and  senior  fellow  of  the  South          licans  and  Hindu  members  of
        approve. While a total of 9% of         On  the  issue  of  China  too,  Asia  Program at the Carnegie        the  diaspora:  almost  seven  in
        the respondents disapproved  the community was split. “Indi- Endowment  for  International                    10  Hindus  approve  of  Modi’s
        and  22%  strongly  disapproved.  an Americans are divided about  Peace and one of the report’s               performance,  while  only  one
        As  per  the  report,  the  greatest  US efforts to strengthen India’s  authors, said that concerns over      in  five  Muslims  approve  of  it.
        Modi supporters include Repub- military as a check against China.  government corruption and the              His  approval  rating  is  highest
        licans, Hindus, people in the en- Foreign-born Indian Americans  economy might resonate with                  among those above the age of
        gineering  profession,  those  not  and those who identify as Re- the diaspora because it points to           50,  while  43%  of  the  survey’s
        born  in  the  United  States,  and  publicans  are  more  supportive  why many moved to the US in            youngest respondents (those
        people who hail from North and  of  US  efforts  to  support  India  the first place.                         aged  between  18  and  29)  dis-
        West India.                          militarily than their US-born and       “One of the most consistent      approve  of  him.  Modi  is  also
            Another finding of the study  Democratic counterparts…” the  refrains during Modi’s first term            more  popular  among  recent
        is  that  Indian Americans are  survey  found.  Overall,  Indian  was that he really put India on             immigrants when compared to
        more liberal on issues affecting  Americans held a more unfavor- the  map,”  he  said.  “There  has           those who have been in the US
        the United States and relatively  able view of China than the gen- been a sense amongst the dias-             for over 25 years. Interestingly,
        conservative on issues relating to  eral US population.                  pora that India has been seen as     respondents who disapproved
        India. The report cited an exam-        A little over half believed Hin- a large country, but not a partic-   of  former  President  Donald
        ple  where  90%  of  respondents  du majoritarianism was a threat  ularly important one – and they            Trump are divided in their
        agreed  members  of  all  faiths  to  minorities  in  India,  while  as  believe  that  under  Modi,  India   opinion on Modi: 41% approve
        should be treated equally. From  many as 73% saw white suprem- has the potential to be both large             of him, while 38% disapprove.

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