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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 11, 2022 | The Indian Eye 31
Indian diaspora group urges Biden
to reject “Jihadi-terrorist-sympathizer”
Masood khan as Pakistani Ambassador
FIIDS is a U.S.-based institute for U.S.-India policy studies and awareness
OUR BUREAU more, his former active role as pres- cupied Kashmir (PoK) until August Sehrai and Tariq Ahmed Hizbul. Mr.
ident of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir 25, 2021, with Human Rights Watch Khan said they are martyrs and called
Washington, DC will complicate U.S. relations with its reports stating that the Pakistani gov- their terrorist acts as sacrifices. His
A strategic partner India. His support to ernment represses democratic free- firm support of terrorists and sepa-
top Indian diaspora group
urged U.S. President Joe Biden
ratists in Kashmir will create uneasi-
doms, muzzles press and practices
the Taliban will also adversely affect
to reject the appointment of
Masood Khan as Pakistan’s Ambas- U.S. interests in Afghanistan,” it said. routine torture in POK. ness and unwarranted complications
in U.S.-India relations when the U.S.
“During his rule, various press
In a detailed statement, FIIDS
sador to the United States, alleging added that Mr. Khan is a supporter releases published by Khan’s presi- may need India’s active involvement
that the diplomat is a sympathizer of Aafia Siddiqui and had tweeted on dential office included support and in the India Pacific region, Afghani-
and supporter of terrorist groups. May 7, 2020, “@AmbassadorJones: praise for terrorists such as Junaid stan and Eurasia,” the group added.
The Foundation for India and The U.S. Government can find a way
Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS), to free Aafia Siddiqui. Washington
in a statement, on February 2 urged has negotiated a peace deal with the
Mr. Biden to reject the appointment Taliban, once considered inveterate
of the “Jihadi-terrorist-sympathizer” enemies. Room must now be created
Masood Khan as Pakistani Ambassa- for Aafia’s freedom. Long overdue.”
dor to the United States. The group also alleged that in 2019,
“We also request Secretary of Mr. Khan shared stage with Fazlur
State Antony Blinken and members Rehman Khalil, global terrorist and
of the Senate and House committees founder of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen
on foreign relations to support this re- (HuM), designated as a terrorist or-
jection,” it said. ganization under the US law.
“Masood Khan has repeated- “Masood Khan is also a sup-
ly demonstrated a soft spot for Ji- porter of Jamaat-e-Islami, whose
hadi-terrorists, including Aafia Sid- killing squads helped the Pakistani
diqui, a convicted terrorist operative military carry out acts of genocide
known as ‘Lady Al-Qaeda’. His sup- against Bangladeshis in 1971 when
port to designated terrorist organi- hundreds of thousands of minorities
zations under the U.S. law such as were raped, killed and millions were
Hizbul Mujahideen, Harkat-ul-Muja- displaced,” it said. “On the fifth death
hideen (HuM), and Jamaat-e-Islami, anniversary of dreaded terrorist Bur-
is not only inimical to U.S. Interests, han Wani, a former commander of
but also to global peace,” FIIDS said. Hizbul Mujahideen - a designated
FIIDS is a U.S.-based institute terrorist organization under U.S. law,
for U.S.-India policy studies and Mr. Khan had called out Wani a ‘role
awareness. “Mr. Khan’s diplomatic model for freedom fighters across the
role in the United States may open an globe’,” the statement said.
avenue for access for terrorist organi- FIIDS added that Mr. Khan
zations to U.S. institutions. Further- served as president of Pakistan Oc-