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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 11, 2022 | The Indian Eye 28
Montgomery Township GoP elects
Rosy Thakkar as chairperson
Leader becomes the first woman, first South Asian American,
and first Sikh American to lead the Montgomery GOP
OUR BUREAU nization, voiced his praise for Thak-
kar as well. “Rosy Thakkar brings
New York, NY
energy, common sense and a new
n January 27, 2022, the perspective to the chair. She will
Montgomery Township Re- build the party and continue the
opublican Organization unan- Montgomery RMC’s tradition of ex-
imously elected long-time resident cellence.”
and dedicated community leader As one of the first Sikh and
Rosy Thakkar to serve as its chair- South Asian American women to
person. Thakkar becomes the first take on a leadership role within the
woman, first South Asian American, Republican Party, Thakkar’s election
and first Sikh American to lead the has already begun to draw the at-
Montgomery GOP. tention of several key party leaders,
Outgoing Chair and former including Jack Ciattarelli, the party’s
Mayor Ed Trzaska congratulated 2021 standard bearer: “Rosy Thak-
Thakkar on her election. “Rosy has kar’s election as the Republican Mu-
been a generous, hardworking mem- nicipal Chairperson of Montgomery
ber of our community for years, and I Township is an exciting development
know that her receptive and inclusive for the local party, as well as for the
leadership style will serve our group greater Somerset County Republi-
and our township well,” Trzaska re- affiliated and Democratic residents, cial needs students. can Organization. I look forward to
marked. “I could think of nobody so that we can work together to con- Drawing upon these experi- working with Rosy on candidate re-
better suited for this position, and I tinue improving the township we call ences, Thakkar noted that “Mont- cruitment, fundraising, and winning
can’t wait to see all that Rosy goes on home.” gomery Township wouldn’t be the elections at the township, county and
to accomplish in this role. The future In her over twenty years as a incredible place it is today without all other levels of Government”
is looking bright for the Montgomery Skillman resident, Rosy Thakkar has the tireless, often thankless work of While noting that plenty of hard
Township Republican Party.” been an active member of the com- so many devoted members of our work lay ahead of her, Thakkar
After recognizing the many ac- munity, most notably in support of community. Those who help to main- said that she’s up for the challenge.
complishments of several local Re- the public school system, where her tain the top-tier quality of our public “Above all else, I want every resident
publican leaders, including Trzaska, two children were enrolled from kin- education system; our all-volunteer to know that they will always have
Mark Caliguire, Ted Maciag, and dergarten through 12th grade. Thak- EMS squad; our police and fire de- a chance to be heard by the Mont-
Christine Madrid, Thakkar outlined kar has served on the Montgomery partments, who go into harm’s way to gomery Township Republican Orga-
her plan to “jumpstart” and “revi- Township Parent Teacher Student protect each and every one of us — nization going forward. By earnestly
talize” Montgomery’s Republican Association (PTSA) as well as the these are the everyday heroes whose listening to one another and always
group and grow the organization Montgomery Township Special Ed- steadfast dedication keeps this town providing a seat at the table to any-
“from the ground up.” Thakkar con- ucation Parent Teacher Association moving forward, and whose efforts one looking to get involved, we’ll
tinued, “My top priority is to give Re- (SEPTA), and has organized a vari- our organization will strive to sup- work together to solve any problems
publicans a real platform to organize ety of noteworthy community events, port.” that come our way and maintain our
and voice their concerns, while also including the Back-to-School Barbe- Tim Howes, the Chair of the town’s status as one of the best places
engaging in sincere outreach to un- cue dedicated towards serving spe- Somerset County Republican Orga- to live in the entire country.”