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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            FEBRUARY 10, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 25

         Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar hosts Rally for

         her Bill supporting Women Who Suffer Stillbirths

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 blywoman Rajkumar’s bill will correct this ineq-
                                                                                                   uity by extending Paid Family Leave to all wom-
        South Queens, NY
                                                                                                   en who give birth, no matter the outcome of the
               n Tuesday, January 31, on the Million Dol-                                          pregnancy.
               lar Staircase in the New York State Capitol,                                           Assemblywoman Rajkumar said, “All women
        OAssemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar (D-AD                                                      who give birth should have paid time off. Make no
        38) convened dozens of advocates to call for pas-                                          mistake: women who experienced a stillbirth gave
        sage of her landmark bill to support women who                                             birth, and their bodies went through the birthing
        suffer a stillbirth. This legislation will add a still-                                    process. Their babies were real. Though their pre-
        birth as a qualifying event for Paid Family Leave                                          cious babies did not survive the birth, their moth-
        in New York State, entitling parents to 12 weeks of                                        ers did and their mothers’ bodies need the time to
        paid leave from work with employment protection.                                           recover just like all women need after a pregnan-
                                                                                                   cy. The mother of a stillbirth child also needs the
        Occurring 65 times in the United States                                                    time to grieve the loss of her baby. These women
                                                                                                   deserve to be seen and to be included in the Paid
        each day, a stillbirth is the loss of a preg-                                              Family Leave law of our state.”
                                                                                                      Joining Assemblywoman Rajkumar were rep-
        nancy  on or after 20  weeks.  It  requires                                                resentatives from PUSH for Empowered Pregnan-
        a course of medical treatment similar to                                                   cy, a national coalition of parents, healthcare pro-
        that of a live birth. The experience can be                                                viders, and allies committed to ending preventable
        incredibly traumatic for parents, putting                                                     The Assemblywoman announced her legisla-
        them at high risk for depression, anxiety,       Under current New York State law, families   tion last month in a press conference with PUSH
        and PTSD.                                    are entitled to paid leave following the birth of a   Video of her speech in its entirety is available
                                                     child, but not in the event of a stillbirth. Assem-  at

        ‘CALL ME DANCER’ Announces World & NYC Premieres

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              eslie Shampaine’s 84-minute
              feature documentary CALL
        LME DANCER will have its
        world premiere at Santa Barbara In-
        ternational Film Festival (in juried
        competition for Best Documenta-
        ry) on February 9th followed by the
        East Coast premiere as the Opening
        Night film at Dance on Camera Fes-
        tival at Film at Lincoln Center, the
        longest-running dance film festival in
        the world, on February 10th. The film
        is  looking  for  distribution  in  North   talented street dancer from Mumbai   against  him.  This  is  a  heart-warming   the profession, but what is often lost
        America, the U.K., South Asia, and   who is struggling against his parents’   and uplifting story of struggle and te-  is the passion and inner joy that push-
        other regions of the world.       insistence that he follow a tradition-  nacity, family, culture, rebellion, and   es dancers past the pain. I knew, as a
            International pop icon, singer   al path because they are counting   an unlikely friendship. Filmed in India,   dancer, I could offer an insider’s sensi-
        and songwriter Jay Sean executive   on their only son to support them.   the UK, Israel, and the US, the docu-  tivity and perspective,” said first-time
        produced CALL ME DANCER be-           When he secretly attends an in-  mentary features TWO original songs   director Shampaine, and former pro-
        cause the story resonated with his   ner-city dance school and accidentally   by Jay Sean, music by Bangladeshi   fessional dancer from New York City.
        own; as a British-Indian, Sean’s par-  walks into a ballet class, he meets Yehu-  American hip-hop artist Anik Khan,   “I gathered a talented international
        ents wanted him to pursue medicine   da, a curmudgeonly 70-year-old Israeli   and  a  score  by  award-winning, Brit-  team made up of Indian film profes-
        rather than his dream of becoming a   teacher, and a hunger develops within   ish-Indian composer Nainita Desai.  sionals with insights into the culture
        singer. In English and Hindi (with En-  him. Ambitious and passionate, Man-  “Dance films are typically creat-  and socio-economic reality of Mum-
        glish subtitles), the film’s lead protag-  ish is determined to make it as a profes-  ed by looking into our world from the   bai. This is a story that I hope inspires
        onist is Manish Chauhan, a young and   sional dancer, but the odds are stacked   outside. They convey the difficulty of   people across the globe.”

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