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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah FEBRUARY 09, 2024 | The Indian Eye 38
Never take Advice
from Non-Successful People
Learn from those who have achieved their goals and can guide you towards success.
Hirav Shah
f you’re looking for advice on how
to succeed, it’s important to seek
Iguidance from those who have al-
ready achieved their goals. Listening
to advice from non-successful people Successful individuals can provide you with motivation and practical advice that can propel you towards your own goals (Representative/File photo)
may not be the most effective way to
reach your own aspirations. Discover edge, experience, and insights that • Their guidance will be based on to navigate your own journey.
the benefits of learning from success- can help guide you on your own real-world experiences and proven Focus on personal growth and self-
ful individuals and how their guidance path to success. strategies, increasing your chances
can help you on your own path to suc- • They have likely faced similar chal- of achieving your own goals. Sur- improvement.
cess. lenges and obstacles and can pro- round yourself with successful men- • Personal growth and self-improve-
vide valuable advice on how to over- tors and experts who can provide ment are essential for achieving suc-
Surround yourself with successful come them. you with the guidance and support cess in any area of life.
individuals. • By seeking advice from mentors and you need to thrive. • By focusing on your own growth and
• Surrounding yourself with success- experts, you can tap into their wis- Learn from the mistakes and continuously working on improving
ful individuals can have a significant dom and learn from their mistakes yourself, you can become the best
impact on your own success. and successes. experiences of successful people. version of yourself and reach your
• By being in the presence of people • Surrounding yourself with these in- • One of the most valuable ways to full potential.
who have achieved their goals, you dividuals can provide you with the learn and grow is by studying the • This involves setting goals, develop-
can learn from their experiences, guidance and support you need to mistakes and experiences of suc- ing new skills, and constantly learn-
gain valuable insights, and receive reach your goals. cessful people. ing and expanding your knowledge.
guidance on how to navigate chal- Be selective about who you listen to • By understanding the challenge they • It also means taking care of your
lenges and obstacles. faced and the strategies they used to physical and mental well-being, as
• Successful individuals can provide and trust. overcome them, you can gain valu- a healthy mind and body are crucial
you with inspiration, motivation, • It is crucial to be selective about who able insights and avoid making the for personal growth.
and practical advice that can propel you listen to and trust when seeking same mistakes yourself. • By prioritizing personal growth and
you towards your own goals. advice. • Successful people have often faced self-improvement, you can become
• Surrounding yourself with success • Not everyone has the knowledge, setbacks and failures along their more confident, resilient, and capa-
can create a positive and support- experience, or track record of suc- journey, but they have learned from ble of overcoming challenges and
ive environment that fosters growth cess to provide valuable insights. these experiences and used them as achieving your goals.
and development. • Non-successful people may offer stepping stones to achieve their goals. • Surround yourself with positive in-
well-intentioned advice, but it may • By learning from their mistakes, you fluences, seek out opportunities for
Seek advice from mentors and not be based on proven strategies or can save yourself time, effort, and growth, and never stop striving to
experts in your field. personal achievements. potential pitfalls on your own path become the best version of yourself.
• When seeking advice, it is import- • By seeking guidance from those who to success.
ant to turn to mentors and experts have achieved their goals, you can • Surround yourself with successful The writer is a well-known
in your field who have achieved ensure that you are receiving advice individuals who are willing to share Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
success. from individuals who have walked their stories and lessons learned,
• These individuals have the knowl- the path of success themselves. and use their experiences as a guide Email: [email protected]