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BUSINESS EYE FEBRUARY 09, 2024 | The Indian Eye 36
Apple Vision Pro to launch with more than 600 apps and games
OUR BUREAU came available in January.
Apple’s Vision Pro could very
San Francisco, CA
well be the most important new prod-
he Vision Pro, which launched uct Apple will launch this decade. It’s
on Friday starts with entertain- a whole new product category for
Tment apps such as Disney+, Apple, with a new, accompanying
Max, PGA Tour Vision, NBA, and software platform called visionOS
Red Bull TV. Users will also have and an app ecosystem to match.
access to productivity tools includ- It’s no wonder, then, that Apple
ing Box, which allows them to col- has been extremely careful about how
laborate and securely manage files it handles this launch. The company
and content, the brainstorming app invited only a handful of journalists
MindNode, Microsoft 365 productiv- for in-person briefings, and handed
ity apps, data visualization and proj- out review units to an even smaller
ect management apps OmniFocus group of people, whose embargoes
and OmniPlan, as well as apps such as for the review lifted on Tuesday.
Fantastical and Numerics, according Perhaps the most import-
to a report in Mashable. ant takeaway is that there’s just so
As far as games go, a subscrip- to apps such as Carrot Weather, a “Apple Vision Pro is unlocking much to cover about the Vision Pro.
tion to Apple Arcade will give users spatial version of the snarky weath- the imaginations of our worldwide There’s the display tech, the sensors,
access to 250 games on the Vision er app, and The Archive, which will developer community, and we’re in- the user interface, the comfort, the
Pro, including NBA 2K24 Arcade allow them to explore locations and spired by the range of spatial experi- weight, the accessories — the list
Edition, Sonic Dream Team, and artifacts from the Stark Trek uni- ences they’ve created for this exciting goes on. There’s also so much this
TMNT Splintered Fate. Titles cre- verse, among others. It won’t be just new platform,” Susan Prescott, Ap- thing can do; you could use the Vi-
ated specifically for the Vision Pro 600 apps at launch; Vision Pro users ple’s vice president of Worldwide De- sion Pro as an everyday work ma-
include Synth Riders, LEGO Build- will also have access to more than 1 veloper Relations, said in a statement. chine (or a virtual extension of your
er’s Journey, Super Fruit Ninja, and million iOS and iPadOS apps which It will be tough to get the $3,499 physical computer), or it could just
more. are compatible with Vision Pro, as headset at launch, as it was effective- be an entertainment device, a social
Finally, users will also get access per the Mashable report. ly sold out soon after pre-orders be- device, or a gaming gadget.