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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 09, 2024 | The Indian Eye 22
Federation of Indian Associations, Chicago,
hosts Largest Republic Day Celebrations in US
Chicago, IL
he Federation of Indian Asso-
ciations, Chicago (FIA), ele-
Tvated the celebration of India’s
Republic Day to new heights on Jan-
uary 28th, at the prestigious Matrix
Club in Chicago. This momentous
occasion, dedicated to honoring the
adoption of the Constitution of India,
transcended expectations through a
symphony of grand celebrations, pa-
triotic fervor, and a vibrant tapestry
showcasing the rich cultural diversity
of the nation.
The inaugural moments of the
event unfolded in the timeless In-
dian tradition, symbolizing the illu-
mination of knowledge and wisdom
through the ceremonial lighting of the
lamp. Standing as custodians of this
symbolic act were luminaries of FIA:
Founder and Chairman Sunil Shah,
President Vinita Gulabani, President
Pratibha Jairath, and esteemed past
presidents, each contributing to the
collective radiance. In keeping with
FIA’s commitment to inclusivity, the
stage beckoned all Advisory Board
members, Directors, and Members,
to partake in this auspicious initiation.
The grandeur of the main event
was ushered in by the dynamic pres-
ence of FIA’s General Secretary,
Nilabh Dubey, seizing the stage to
a resounding applause that echoed
through the venue. Nilabh Dubey, set tion and reflection. tra Kukreja, brought their collective Salamat. Even the Q&A session be-
the tone by introducing the evening’s The festivities included bestowal expertise to the forefront, turning the tween Rizwan and Shahid Rafi added
main MCs by his eloquent articula- of awards and honors upon excep- award ceremony into a flawless cel- a touch of humor, leaving the audi-
tion that offered a glimpse into the tional individuals who have left an in- ebration of community service and ence clamoring for more in a night that
diverse talents that define FIA, specif- delible mark on the community across contribution. seamlessly blended patriotism, nos-
ically that highlighted the profession- diverse fields. Founder Chairman During the electrifying rendi- talgia, entertainment, and sheer joy.
al achievements of the evening’s MCs. Sunil Shah, President Vinita Gula- tion of ‘An Evening in Paris,’ Sunil As Consulate General of India,
The spotlight of the evening shifted bani, President Pratibha Jairath, and Shah’s signature dance moves ignited Sonath Ghosh, truly remarked “This
seamlessly to the captivating presence Consulate General Somanth Ghosh, the crowd, prompting an impromptu FIA, Chicago event was not merely a
of the main MCs, Anu Malhotra and graced the occasion to present these dance floor and stage invasion by the reflection, but a vivid manifestation of
Suchitra Kukreja, who effortlessly accolades. The luminaries acknowl- audience. The infectious energy made our love for India and profound pride
took command of the stage, igniting edged for their unwavering generosity it a delightful challenge for our ace in being part of the world’s largest de-
the atmosphere with great excitement. in both time and funding, breathing photographers—Suresh Bodiwala, mocracy, India. The celebration left
Inviting Founder Chairman Sunil vitality into numerous remarkable Vivek Joshi, Nilabh Dubey, Ramesh an indelible impression, cultivating a
Shah to share his insights, Sunil Shah, FIA and community initiatives, were Punetar, Jayanti Oza and Matt Chen- heightened sense of patriotism and
in his smooth style, painted a vivid pic- Sudhir and Archana Agarwal, Pinky noor—to capture the essence of the national pride among the Non-Res-
ture of FIA’s pivotal role in uniting the & Dinesh Thakkar, Chintan & Dig- unbridled celebration. ident Indians (NRIs) connected to
diaspora in and around Chicago land na Patel, Chirag Patel, Sunny Patel, The crowd, carried away by the their roots and heritage”. FIA Chi-
over the past several years, including Arjun Patel, Manish & Shailja Gand- euphoria, chanted “Once more, once cago’s Republic Day festivities were
expanding into neighboring states. hi, Suketu Amin, Kunal Sarangi (ex- more” after each super-hit perfor- not just a commemoration; they were
Sunil Shah eloquently articulated the MLA), Naresh Shah, Dr. Bhupinder mance by Neelajan Ray, Priyanka a powerful testament to the enduring
organization’s vision and mission, set- Beri, and Jayanti Oza. The dynamic Mittra, Sammy M., Gautami Roy, spirit of India and its diaspora.
ting the stage for a night of celebra- duo MCs, Anu Malhotra and Suchi- Prakhar Ghosh, and Mohammad --Asian Media USA