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NORTH AMERIcAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 04, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 22

                mayor sam Joshi nominates dipti vaid

                 dedhia as edison & new Jersey’s first

         female south asian municipal Court Judge

           Mayor Sam Joshi continues breaking down barriers, this time on Edison’s Municipal Court

        OUR BUREAU                        General in Employment Counsel  for my career, but I had two amaz-   also the recipient of the prestigious
                                          and Labor for the State of New Jer-  ing parents who motivated me to  Most Successful Mediator Award in
        EDISON, NJ
                                          sey, Dedhia graduated from George  strive  for  a  life  of  significance  and  the Passaic County Superior Court
                 ayor Sam Joshi is proud to  Washington University before re-  conscience. In recognition of their  Clerk’s Program. She has also par-
                 announce he has nominat-  ceiving  her Juris Doctor from  Se-  immense impact on my life, one of  ticipated in national civil rights com-
        Med Dipti Vaid Dedhia, Esq.  ton Hall University of Law. She has  my main goals in my new role is to  petition,  is  certified  in  deposition
        for a judgeship on Edison Municipal  spent decades litigating complex  be an example to the youth of to-  skills by the National Institute of Tri-
        Court.  Following  her  confirmation  employment  matters,  investigating  day. My message to them is simple:  al Advocacy, and is a frequent con-
        last night by the Township Council,  complaints involving violations of  though the path may not be clear as  tributor  to  Huffington  Post,  Brown
        Dedhia will be the first female South  law or policy, and representing the  you stand here today, your goals are  Girl Magazine, and the Aerogram.
        Asian municipal court judge in both  Governor’s office of Employee Re-  attainable. Achieving your dreams   Born originally in London,
        Edison and New Jersey’s history.  lations in arbitrating grievances be-  through courage, kindness, and per-  Dedhia moved to New Jersey with
            “It was truly my honor and priv-  tween the Administration and labor  severance is not a cliche - I am living  her parents at the age of two and
        ilege to nominate Dipti Vaid Dedhia  unions.                        proof!”                           has lived in the state for the past 36
        as  Edison’s next  municipal  court   Speaking about her many ac-       In addition to her years of ex-  years, twenty of which as a resident
        judge,” proclaimed Mayor Joshi.  complishments and what this ap-    perience providing legal counsel on  of Edison. She enjoys spending her
        “She is the most qualified and ready  pointment means to her, Dedhia  labor laws, anti-discrimination poli-  free time at home with her husband
        for the job.”                     had this to say: “When I was young,  cies, prevailing wage laws, and best  and three young children - ages one,
            Currently the Deputy Attorney  I didn’t know what I wanted to do  employment practices; Dedhia was  four, and seven.

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