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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah FEBRUARY 03, 2023 | The Indian Eye 24
Not-To-Do List TOOL: Why it Is More
Important Than the To-Do List
Automate or Delegate or Eliminate your least important work
ou have a to-do list, right? Of
course--most folks do. What
Yabout the opposite aka a
stop-doing or not-to-do list? Sounds
not so familiar, right! However, it
turns out that’s more important, as
far as productivity in business is con-
What is a not-to-do list? It’s human tendency to get easily distracted from tasks that you really need to do
No, it’s neither a bad habits’ list
you’re determined to break. Nor away without them realizing it. The compact processes such as employee
some negative behavior you want to momentum so created after complet- onboarding, accounts payable, bank- Conclusion
be sure to do away with. ing activity after activity also distracts ing, contract management etc… The benefits of a not-to-do list
It’s a list of activities at work/ are understated. It helps you do time
business that you might think you you from making progress on the sig- Delegate management and achieve productiv-
nificant tasks.
should be doing, or might want to It’s human tendency to get easily Meaning- To assign work to folks ity with ease. Now that you have an
perform, or might be asked to per- distracted from tasks that you really without micromanaging, which even- entire list mentioned above, get start-
form by somebody else. But because need to do. Because you get in the tually leads to more business produc- ed with at least three now, to move
these activities don’t push you toward temporary pleasure of things that ar- tivity and efficiency. the needle of your life ahead.
any of your larger objectives or goals, en’t simply as significant. Use- To save time and reduce Now it’s your time to make Not
don’t feed your core, and aren’t sig- There are 3 ways to utilize a not- stress by spreading work out, more to do list
nificant for you to do, you are much to-do list for Growth, Improvement, evenly. To help folks learn and Exercise for you
better off not performing them. Career Advancement, Business Pro- evolve. To help in increasing profits. • What are the top 3 things you must
They should either be left as it is To help improve relationships with
ELIMINATE first in your life ?
or you should Delegate them to oth- gression and Empowerment. teammates or co-workers or juniors. • What are the top 3 things you must
er folks or automate them or maybe Automate or Delegate or Eliminate AUTOMATE first in your life ?
eliminate them, if need be. Eliminate Meaning- To do away with tasks • What are the top 3 things you must
Why is a not-to-do list Let us understand one by one that don’t help generate revenue or DELEGATE first in your life ?
important? Automate provide some kind of value to the You, “Yourself” will realize its
To-do-list can overwhelm you if Meaning- To self-regulate or au- company or which are a mere wast- Power. Start following your Not To-
you have an issue saying no or dele- tomate repeatable day-to-day activi- age of time and effort and resources. do list now, to get fruitful, profitable
gating tasks. Having multiple activi- ties to accelerate business processing Use- To save costs, time, energy, and productive results.
ties on your to-do-list will also make funnels and work performance. resources and efforts. To streamline
you more anxious. Use- To get the job accurately processes. To simply the standard
Also, there are folks who are done and much faster, by dispatching operating procedure. To make work The writer is a well-known Astro
prone to unimportant tasks and dis- information, processing documents, non- repetitive and the services eas- Strategist and Business Astrologer
tractions that consume their time verifying information, and organizing ier to deliver. Email: [email protected]