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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            FEBRUARY 03, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 22

         AAPI’s 16th Annual Global Healthcare Summit

              in Visakhapatnam Concludes with a Call to

                                  Give Back to Our Motherland

        OUR BUREAU

        New York, NY
              he 16th annual Global Health-
              care Summit (GHS) organized
        Tby the American Association
        of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI)
        concluded with a call and commit-
        ment to give back to India, our moth-
        erland,  making  healthcare  accessi-
        ble,  efficient,  and  equitable  for  all,
        at Hotel Novotel on Varun Beach in
        Visakhapatnam on January 8th, 2023.
            Attended by nearly 500 dele-
        gates  from  the United States and
        India, the GHS 2023 was jointly or-
        ganized by AAPI and the local orga-
        nizing committee at Visakhapatnam
        from January 6th to 8th, 2023. This
        Global Health Care Summit, with
        participation from leading medical
        professionals, thought leaders, heads
        of several health industry sectors,
        and policy-makers has had several
        unique events with enthusiastic par-
        ticipation from local healthcare fra-
        ternity and dozens of leading physi-
        cians from the United States.
            Dr Ravi Kolli, President of AAPI,
        while describing the objectives of the
        Summit, said, “The Global Health-
        care Summit has served as a means to   on population health,” he added.  tions for the challenges being faced   Honorable Minister for IT.
        raising awareness on key health care   In  addition,  AAPI  has plans  to   by all.”                      “We are sure that the Summit
        issues affecting the Indian subconti-  collaborate with various state and   Chief Guest at the Summit, Smt.   offered a rewarding experience not
        nent, such as the Stigma of Mental   federal government programs to en-  Vidadala Rajini, Honorable Minister   only on intellectual but on aesthetic
        illness, Suicide prevention, Diabetes,   hance the quality of healthcare deliv-  for Health, Family Welfare & Med-  front  as well,  with  the scenic beau-
        Cardiovascular Diseases, Women’s   ery,  making  it  affordable,  efficient,   ical Education of state of Andhra   ty of Visakhapatnam and the many
        and Children’s Health, Blindness   and equitable, improving health out-  Pradesh, said, “The Global Health-  surrounding places. The organizing
        Prevention and Hepatitis etc.  High-  comes universally and training the   care Summit is an important oppor-  committee has taken every measure
        light of this Summit was to reaffirm   trainer sessions involving learning   tunity for all the healthcare profes-  possible to make the event a memo-
        NRI Physicians’ commitment to-    modules in different specialties, and   sionals to learn from each other and   rable one for everyone at the GHS,”
        wards improving health care and cre-  tele-consultations.           enhance fellowship. I’m grateful to   said Dr. Ravi Raju, Chair of GHS
        ate model programs for management     Shri. YS Jagan Mohan Reddy,   have this opportunity to attend and   (India) 2023.
        of various diseases and to improve   Honorable Chief Minister of Andhra   learn from all of you,” she said. “I   Describing  some  of  the objec-
        outcomes universally, he added.   Pradesh, in a message delivered to   believe that by working with you, we   tives of the GHS, Dr. Prasad Cha-
            The Summit focused on men-    the AAPI delegates at the GHS,    can improve the health and wellbe-  lasani, Chair of GHS (USA) 2023
        tal health, including reducing the   urged the members of “the Ameri-  ing of the people in the state. The   said. “We have tried to create an
        stigma  for seeking mental health   can Association of Physicians of In-  government  has  the  ability  to  de-  intellectually  charged platform  for
        services,  and  on  Physicians  burn-  dian origin to give back something   sign the best policies on healthcare,   experts to share their knowledge and
        out, Dr. V. Ranga, Chair of AAPI   to the society, which has given them   while delivering the best treatments   experiences on some of the common
        BOT said. “Deliberations includ-  an opportunity to pursue medical   and  medical  care  to  the  patient  is   professional issues that remain a
        ed discussions on the Stigma of   education and become successful   essentially in the hands of the physi-  challenge in spite of all the advances.
        Mental illness, Suicide preven-   in India and abroad.” He expressed   cians.” Among others who addressed   The exchange of expertise and trans-
        tion, Management of Chronic and   confidence,  stating,  “I’m  sure  this   the AAPI delegates and joined the   fer of technology by the best brains
        Non-Communicable  Diseases,  and   platform will bring together best in   felicitation of AAPI delegates and   is bound to offer positive and inno-
        other Global Health issues includ-  the healthcare field from profession-  the local organizers  of  the Summit   vative solutions to some of the prob-
        ing Climate Change and its impact   als, who will provide innovative solu-  included, Shri. Gudivada Amarnath,   lems faced by humankind.”

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