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SPORTS                                                              JANUARY 31, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 39

                                                   INDIA-ENGLAND T20Is

              Like his mentor Yuvraj Singh, young gun

        Abhishek Sharma goes on a six-hitting spree

         Yuvraj holds the record for the fastest fifty, brought up in just 12 deliveries in Durban in 2007.

                  KL Rahul’s heroics in Manchester, in 2018 saw him reach his 50 in 27 deliveries

        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              a mere 34 deliveries took centerstage
        Kolkata                                                                                               as India effortlessly chased down 133
                                                                                                              with more than seven overs to spare.
              efore  India  shifts  its  focus  to                                                            During his blitzkrieg, Abhishek cele-
              the One-Day format, the Men
        Bin  Blue  kicked  off  the  five-                                                                    brated his 50 in just 20 balls, the sec-
                                                                                                              ond fastest by an Indian against En-
        match  T20I  series  against  England                                                                 gland in the T20I format.
        with flying colours in Kolkata. With                                                                      Abhishek’s mentor, Yuvraj, holds
        an all-rounded effort, England were                                                                   the record for hammering the fastest
        stumped at the Eden Gardens as India                                                                  fifty, brought up in just 12 deliveries
        celebrated an emphatic 7-wicket win.                                                                  in Durban in 2007. KL Rahul’s hero-
            The  series  opener  was  expect-
        ed  to  be  a  high-scoring  affair,  but                                                             ics  in  Manchester,  in  2018  saw  him
                                                                                                              celebrate his fifty in 27 deliveries.
        the  brilliance  of  the  Indian  bowlers
        turned it into a one-sided affair.
            The T20I series will be followed                                                                  In Eden Gardens on Wednesday,
        by  three  ODIs  against  England,                                                                    out  of Abhishek’s 79  runs, 68
        which will be the perfect opportuni-
        ty for both teams to try and test their                                                               came in the form of boundar-
        combination. India, the last edition’s                                                                ies. With his repertoire of shots,
        finalists,  will  look  to  go  all  the  way
        and lift the coveted Champions Tro-  Abhishek Sharma plays a shot during the 1st T20I match against England, at Eden Gardens in   he reeled away five fours and a
        phy for the first time since 2013. India                 Kolkata on Wednesday (ANI)                   whopping eight maximums while
        remains a favourite despite the con-
        cerning form of the Indian stalwarts   the record with 13 sixes against New  put  his  power-hitting  ability  on  ex-  striking at 232.35.
        Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli.     Zealand.                          hibition in the series opener against
            Abhishek Sharma engineered an                                                                        He  certainly  had  luck  on  his
        explosive performance and delivered   Mentored  by  Yuvraj,  Abhishek  English tearaways. His swift 79 from   side  after  being  dropped  twice  in
        India’s  second-fastest  fifty  for  India                                                            the  game.  He  unleashed  a  flurry  of
        against  England  (in  terms  of  balls        VARUN VOWS TO WORK                                     boundaries during his swashbuckling
        faced) in the T20I format at the Eden                                                                 performance and brought up his fifty
        Gardens  in  Kolkata  on  Wednesday.     HARDER TO “PERFECT” A KEY                                    in style with a dazzling six.
        Indian  left-handers  bashing  English                                                                   Former India captain Kapil Dev
        bowlers in the T20I format has been             ASPECT OF HIS GAME                                    expressed  his  delight  with  the  way
        a love affair that became famous with                                                                 India engineered a commanding vic-
        Yuvraj  Singh’s  exploits  in  the  2007   ndia’s ace T20I spinner Varun   Chakravarthy  already  has  an   tory over England in the first T20I in
        T20 World Cup.                         Chakravarthy revealed the key  ace up his sleeve -- the googly, which   Kolkata.
            Abhishek’s   six-hitting   spree   Iaspect he has been working on  is difficult for batters to pick. How-  After the conclusion of the white-
        featured  three  maximums  off  Adil   to  make  his  deliveries  more  mys-  ever, the 33-year-old has focused on   ball  series  with  England,  India  will
        Rashid,  two  against  Mark  Wood,   terious after delivering a Player of  varying his pace, keeping opposition   begin its journey of lifting the Cham-
        and one each off Jofra Archer, Jamie   the Match performance in the first  batters  guessing.  “I’ve  worked  on   pions Trophy next month. Ahead of
        Overton, and Gus Atkinson. His tally   T20I against England at Eden Gar-  trying to vary my pace. I don’t want   the marquee event, the 1983 World
        of eight sixes surpassed the previous   dens.                       batters  to  line  me  up  because  I’m   Cup-winning captain said he “always”
        Indian  record  of  six  sixes  in  a  T20I   Kolkata’s  local  hero,  Chakra-  bowling at the same speed every ball.   has best wishes for the Indian team.
        chase,  a  mark  jointly  held  by  Rohit   varthy, showcased his unpredictable  That’s what I’ve worked on, and I’m   “It felt good to see India winning
        Sharma  (achieved  twice),  Suryaku-  variations, leaving English batters in  trying to perfect it further,” Chakra-  the  game  yesterday.  I  hope  India
        mar Yadav, Virat Kohli, Tilak Varma,   a spin. On a pitch where Chakravar-  varthy said on Disney+ Hotstar.  keeps on playing like this. I feel really
        Yashasvi Jaiswal, and Axar Patel.   thy has bowled extensively, it wasn’t   Chakravarthy  quickly  realised   happy,” Kapil Dev told reporters on
            Globally,  the  record  for  most   the  turn  that  made  him  effective,  that bounce was the key to success,   Thursday.
        sixes in a T20I chase stands at 18 by   but the variation in pace combined  rather than relying solely on turn. He   Kapil  said  he  “always”  has  best
        Estonia’s  Sahil  Chauhan.  Among   with  the  bounce  he  generated  off  adjusted his plan of attack according   wishes for the Rohit Sharma-led side,
        players  from  Full  Member  nations,   the surface.                to the surface’s requirements.    which will begin its campaign on Feb-
        South  Africa’s  Richard  Levi  holds                                                                 ruary 20.

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