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BUSINESS & TRADE JANUARY 31, 2025 | The Indian Eye 36
India First at Davos! Center & states work
jointly to seek investments and promote growth
India sends its largest-ever delegation to the annual event, comprising five union ministers
and three state chief ministers, besides the officials and civil society members
Davos (Switzerland)
utting across party lines, all Union minis-
ters, Chief Ministers, and other state min-
Cisters spoke in one voice to promote India’s
growth story at Davos. Even when they otherwise
compete with each other for investments and other
resources, the leaders spoke in unison putting aside
the competitive mindset.
India has sent its largest-ever delegation to the
World Economic Forum annual event in Davos,
comprising five union ministers and three state
chief ministers, besides the government officials
and civil society members.
“We may be different political parties, we are
all one when we came to Davos,” Andhra Pradesh
Chief Minister and a key constituent of the BJP-
led NDA government in New Delhi, told a press
conference in Davos, with many other political
leaders from various parties on the same table. Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, IT Minister D. Sridhar Babu, Union Food Processing Minister Chirag Paswan, Union
“India first, our people first. That is our slogan,”
CM Naidu stressed. MoS Skill Development Jayant Chaudhary, Kerala State Minister for Industries and Law, P. Rajeev jointly during
Naidu said India as a country is well positioned the inauguration of India Pavillion Davos on Monday (ANI)
with economic reforms, right time adoption of
technology, demographic dividend, stable growth 5 trillion economy, Fadnavis believes it is very im- cant investment in the service sector, will contrib-
rate, and very strong policies from the government. portant that all states grow together. “There was ute significantly to job creation.
“India brand is very strong under the leader- a time when 3 or 4 states only used to grow. They Anant Ambani of Reliance Group stated that
ship of PM Narendra Modi,” CM Naidu added. used to get the share of growth, but now is a time this investment is part of their vision to make
He said with leaders from different parties partic- when more states are competing and they are Maharashtra the first state with a USD 1 trillion
ipating in Davos as ‘Team India’, they were giving showcasing their strengths and they are attracting economy, a goal the government is committed to
the right messages to the world. the investment, and I think together if we grow, In- achieving under the leadership of Prime Minister
Taking the thread forward, Maharashtra Chief dia is going to grow,” Fadnavis complemented his Narendra Modi.
Minister Devendra Fadnavis also echoed the argument. Another major investment is from Amazon,
‘Team India’ sentiment. “At Davos, we could see Besides portraying a united ‘Team India’ at which will invest Rs 71,795 crore in data centers in
one India, and I think it’s a great example of co- Davos, Fadnavis said leaders from different states the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR).
operative and competitive federalism whereby we also got the opportunity to share the best practices Also, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chan-
are talking in one voice, but at the same time we with each other. drababu Naidu met Microsoft and Bill & Melinda
are competing for business, we are competing for The Maharashtra government, under the Gates Foundation (BMGF) Founder, Bill Gates,
showcasing the abilities of our states, and I think leadership of Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum
that is what is contemplated in the cooperative and has signed a total of 54 MoUs worth Rs 15.70 lakh summit in Davos.
competitive federalism,” he voiced at the press crore as of Wednesday at Davos, the state’s high- The meeting between the two leaders focused
conference. est-ever investment proposals. on forging partnerships to transform the state of
“For us, it’s a forum to network, to understand The largest investment among today’s MoUs Andhra Pradesh into a ‘global hub’ for health, edu-
the emerging technologies, to take the emerging was from the Reliance Group, which will invest Rs cation, and innovation, an official statement stated.
technologies back home, to interact with different 3.05 lakh crore in the state, across sectors like pet- CM Naidu also invited Bill Gates to join the
businesses, to tell them that we want to welcome rochemicals, polyester, renewable energy, bioen- advisory board for the proposed Artificial Intelli-
them to our states and our country, and I think ergy, green hydrogen, green chemicals, industrial gence University in Andhra Pradesh. This initia-
we could do it successfully here,” Fadnavis, who development, retail, data centers, telecommunica- tive aims to position the state as a leader in AI
recently got the mandate from the people of Ma- tions, hospitality, and real estate. research and development, aligning with global
harashtra said. Chief Minister Fadnavis mentioned that the advancements in technology and education, as per
At a time when India aims to become a USD agreement with Reliance, which includes signifi- the statement.