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BUSINESS EYE                                                         JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 43

                                                              Tech T@lk

        Instagram begins testing                                                oppo Find X5 to come

                 paid subscriptions                                               with Dimensity 9000

             acebook launched Subscrip-                                          he vanilla version Oppo Find
             tions in June 2020 to help                                          X5 has been certified to launch
        Fcreators earn money with the                                       Twith Dimensity 9000.
        support of their communities. As per                                    GSM Arena has recently ob-
        GSM Arena, that business model has                                  tained all the major specs of the
        now expanded  to Instagram  as the                                  phone,  including  the cameras, and
        company announced Instagram Sub-                                    charging standards.
        scriptions. With Instagram Subscrip-
        tions, Instagram aims to help cre-  few months. As per GSM Arena, the   The Find X3 came with an  conclusions is not a good option, as
        ators on its platform “develop deeper   Subscriptions feature will allow cre-  upper-midrange  Qualcomm  per GSM Arena. The Find X5 is also
        connections with their most engaged   ators to unlock a “subscribe” button                            said to bring a couple of 50MP camer-
        followers and grow their recurring   on their Instagram profile and set a   chipset in the face of Snap-  as on its back alongside a 13MP one,
        monthly income by giving subscribers   monthly price of their choice. And,   dragon 870, but now oppo has   matching the Find X5 Pro. It’s unclear
        access to exclusive content and bene-  citing its commitment to support the                           if they will have the exact same sen-
        fits,” and, once the followers get sub-  platform’s creators, Instagram said   decided to pick Mediatek and  sors, though.
        scribed to creators, they get the ben-  it will not charge any fees for these   its flagship 4nm platform for   The vanilla Find X5 is also ex-
        efits of Subscriber Lives, Subscriber   subscriptions from the creators until                         pected to feature a 5,000mAh cell with
        Stories, and Subscriber Badges.   2023.                             the vanilla flagship.             80W  wired  charging,  50W  wireless
            Instagram Subscriptions will be   It’s  unclear when  Instagram                                   and 10W reverse wireless charging.
        initially available to a limited num-  Subscriptions will be rolled out glob-  Early evidence suggests the Di-  Reports are both the Find X5 and
        ber of creators in the US. However,   ally, but if the testing in the US goes   mensity 9000 has faster CPU but   Find X5 Pro will arrive after the Chi-
        Instagram said it plans to expand this   smooth, the feature is expected to be-  slower GPU, compared to the Snap-  nese New Year, which this year falls
        feature to more creators over the next   gin rolling out widely in a few months.   dragon 8 Gen 1, but drawing any final   on February 1.

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