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BUSINESS EYE                                                         JANUARY 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 42

                             All eyes on Budget 2022:

                real estate and healthcare look

                                              for major boost

                     COVID-19 pandemic has played a significant role in changing the perception
         of home-ownership for all, especially for the NRIs. In the last couple of years, the demand from

                                                   the NRI segment has risen sharply

                                                                                                              Public expenditure on healthcare in
        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            India is among the lowest in the world.
                                                                                                              As per the government data, it stands
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              at around 1.2 per cent of the country’s
              he  Central  Government  has                                                                    gross domestic product (GDP).
              convened an all-party meet                                                                          In 2021-22 budget presented in
        Tlikely at 3 pm on January 31                                                                         the parliament on February 1, 2021,
        to discuss Budget Session. The Bud-                                                                   the  finance  minister  announced  to
        get Session will get underway on the                                                                  more than double the budgetary al-
        same day with the Presidential ad-                                                                    location for health sector. The bud-
        dress at 11 am followed by the laying                                                                 getary allocation to health sector was
        of the Economic Survey. The Union                                                                     increased to Rs 2,23,846 crore for the
        Budget will be presented on February                                                                  financial year 2021-22, which is 137 per
        1, 2022.                                                                                              cent higher when compared with the
            This year’s budget could be a                                                                     outlay of Rs 94,452 crore in 2020-21.
        game-changer for Indian economy.                                                                          Sitharaman not only announced
        The real estate and healthcare sectors                                                                137 per cent increase in the budgetary
        are specially looking at this year’s pro-                                                             allocation to health sector in 2021-
        posals.                                                                                               22 budget but also gave assurance of
                                                                                                              continued support and enhanced allo-
                                                            Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
        For the Indian real estate sec-                                                                       cation in the future.
                                                                                                                  While presenting the 2021-22
        tor, the year 2020 was a test-    said Aditya Kushwaha, CEO and Di-  for some time and want this to be a   union budget, Sitharaman stated that
        ing year but it made a strong     rector, Axis Ecorp.               reality in 2022.                  while the investment on health infra-
                                                                                Commenting on this, Anurag
                                                                                                              structure in this Budget has increased
                                              Kushwaha  pointed  out  that  the
        comeback in 2021. The sector      COVID-19 pandemic has played a    Mathur, CEO, Savills India, said, “At   substantially, “progressively, as insti-
                                                                            a time when the economy is anxious
                                          significant  role  in  changing  the  per-
        has big expectations from the     ception of home-ownership for  all,  about recovery due to the Omicron   tutions absorb more, we shall commit
                                                                                                              more”.  According  to  a  survey  con-
        Union Budget 2022-23 which        especially for the NRIs. In the last   threat, we look forward to a positive   ducted by the industry body ASSO-
        is scheduled to be presented      couple of years, the demand from the   approach from the budget. In addi-  CHAM, the finance minister is likely
                                                                            tion to agriculture, the focus is likely
                                                                                                              to give top priority to health sector.
                                          NRI segment has risen sharply. In
        by Finance Minister Nirmala       order to encourage this segment, we   to be maintained on manufacturing,   “The COVID-19 pandemic ex-
        Sitharaman on February 1.         propose that the government should   infrastructure, and the real estate sec-  posed weaknesses in our health
                                          consider revising the applicable tax   tor in the budget. On the wish list will   systems  and  amplified  already  ex-
                                          deducted at source (TDS) on proper-  once again be infrastructure status   isting challenges pertaining to gaps
            Most developers have high expec-  ty transactions for NRIs, he said.  for the real estate sector. It has the   in health infrastructure, workforce,
        tations from the budget and expect   “This will not only boost invest-  potential to unlock a host of benefits   accessibility and equity in health ser-
        that it will provide a push to the res-  ment in the sector but also help our   for boosting foreign as well domestic   vices. But  at  the  same  time,  it also
        idential segment as well as the rental   country to build its forex reserves.  investment.”           reinforced an urgent need to make
        housing. Many industry experts are   There has been an uptick in rental   Coronavirus crisis has brought   greater investments in augmenting
        anxious about the rising cost of raw   housing as people continue to work   healthcare  to the focus  of  priorities   health preparedness and quality of
        materials and expect the government   from anywhere (WFA). To further   for the common people and the pol-  care,” said Alok Roy, Chair, FICCI
        to intervene in this regard. “Growth   promote the rental segment, we pro-  icymakers alike. Finance Minister   Health Services Committee & Chair-
        in the real estate sector is essential   pose that the government should of-  Nirmala Sitharaman is likely to give a   man, Medica Group of Hospitals.
        for  the  growth  of  the economy. We   fer taxation benefits for tenants which   big push to investments in health in-  The Confederation of Indian
        are hoping that the government will   could include enhancement in HRA   frastructure and provide some other   Industry (CII) has suggested that
        introduce deep policy reforms that   Tax Exemption,” Kushwaha added.  financial support to healthcare sector   the  public  investment  in  healthcare
        will help in accelerating the growth in   Some experts have been demand-  in the Union Budget 2022-23 sched-  should be increased to at least 3 per
        real estate, especially at this juncture,”  ing infrastructure status for real estate   uled to be presented on February 1.  cent of the GDP by FY 2025.

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