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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 19, 2024 | The Indian Eye 22
Boston Market Announces Groundbreaking
Owner Operator Profit Center Program
“Boston Market Unveils Unprecedented Partnership Opportunity for Entrepreneurs Nationwide”
oston Market—an iconic weeks, with each item coming from a
American brand celebrating different country.
B39 years of culinary excellence This campaign will kick off with
and community spirit and known for the menu additions of Chicken Tikka
its cherished rotisserie chicken re- and Biryani, staples of Indian culinary
cently announced the momentous culture, which is the birthplace of Bos-
launch of the Boston Market owner ton Market’s President Jay Pandya.
operator profit center program: Bos- This initiative is both a celebration of
ton Market Connect (BMC)™. This history and serves as a testament to
groundbreaking initiative marks a Boston Market’s enduring commit-
new chapter in the history of Boston ment to shaping the future of dining
Market as well as sets a historic prec- experiences.
edent in the realm of entrepreneurial In addition, Boston Market has
opportunities. embarked on a strategy to introduce
In a bold departure from con- restaurants into other non- traditional
ventional franchise models, the BMC locations, with a vision of partnering
program unfolds as a new window als interested in learning more about significance, is set to become a trans- and expanding to all cities in America.
of opportunity, inviting passionate these initiatives can Click Here to fill formative force, paving the way for “The Boston Market name stands for
individuals to become an operating out the questionnaire or email Iwant- entrepreneurs to inscribe their names itself and it is well known throughout
owner/partner of a Boston Market [email protected]. in the records of the Boston Market the country,” said Jay Pandya. “Now,
location WITHOUT ANY BUY-IN Rooted in the ethos of communi- legacy. with everyone’s support we will be
REQUIREMENTS. This visionary ty, the (BMC)™ program presents as- Realizing that at the very core of able to provide our famous rotisserie
program transcends the ordinary, of- piring owners with the opportunity to “community” in America lies the per- chicken and delicious, homemade
fering a unique wealth-creation ave- not just run a Boston Market restau- fect combination of diverse cultures sides and family meals to everyone. We
nue for individuals with an unwavering rant but to forge it into a cornerstone and togetherness, Boston Market will encourage anyone with a location and
entrepreneurial spirit and a commit- of their community. The company also be rolling out a campaign that a desire to add Boston Market virtu-
ment to community growth. Individu- feels this program, laden with historic introduces a new menu item every six ally to reach out and partner with us.”
Siblings Turn Used Notebooks into Tools for Change
cial awareness about sustainability.
East Brunswick, NJ The idea for SecondVerse sparked when
n an impressive display of ingenuity and com- Persis and Ryan were clearing out their
mitment to sustainability, siblings Persis and
IRyan Garg, a dedicated track runner and bud- closets after the school year. Noticing that
ding wrestler respectively, have spearheaded a re- most of their notebooks were only half-
markable initiative known as SecondVerse Note- used, they brainstormed and came up with
books under their 501c3 non-profit organization,
Green Good Guardians. a plan to repurpose the unused pages.
Launched in the summer of 2023, the initiative
has already made significant strides in promoting The initiative gained momentum when Star-
sustainability and supporting underprivileged chil- bucks agreed to host a box, significantly increas-
dren in the local communities. ing visibility and donations. Today, Green Good
SecondVerse Notebooks is a unique project Guardians boasts over 30+ collection points in
that collects used notebooks from the commu- schools and multiple local businesses across New
nity through donation bins strategically placed Jersey and Connecticut.
in schools, libraries, and businesses. These note- Through the SecondVerse notebooks, teach-
books, often only partially used, are then repur- ers and organizations working with needy children
posed, and redistributed to meet the educational have received essential resources. The Garg sib-
needs of underprivileged kids and families. lings’ initiative is not just about repurposing mate-
This initiative not only champions the princi- rials; it’s a call to action for the community to adopt
ples of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle but also raises cru- the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – in everyday life.