Page 42 - The Indian EYE 011422
P. 42

FUTURE this wEEk                                                     JANUARY 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 42

          Numerology Prediction                                                                                  Jan 7 To Jan 13, 2022

                                By Business Astrologer &                               Number 5 (MercUrY)
                                Astro strAtegist                                       (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
                                HirAv sHAH                                             You will do effective use of data and analytics. This week you
                                                                                       will develop crisis management plans too. Cyber security is some-

                                Hirav  Shah  is  a  PIONEER  in  introducing  ASTRO    thing which you would also want to focus on this week. All in all,
                                                                                       this week shall be productive. Stay away from animal protein and
                                STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty in
                                business success. He is the top influencer and advisor in the   dairy products as much as possible. Eat plenty of raw vegetables.
                                fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tourism,   Stay happy. Stay healthy.
                                Corporate Business, Politics & more. He combines Business   • Avoid wearing Desert Sand
                                Principles with Astrology and brings strategic solutions to the   • Lucky Days : Tuesday
                                table while maintaining absolute confidentiality. Hirav has   • Lucky Color : Vanilla
                                an astounding Global presence with his clients based across
                                various business sectors.
                                [email protected]  |          Number 6 (VenUS)
                                                                                       (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
                                                                                       You will increase your production capacity. You will also focus on
                 Number 1 (SUn)                                                        expanding your market reach to satisfy worldwide demand. You
                 (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)             will invest more money into your existing facilities. You will also
                                                                                       plan your future digital strategies. Healthwise, things will be well
                 You will turn business challenges into opportunities. You will turn   and good. Just add meditation into your daily routine.
                 risks into opportunities. You will be able to balance your profits    • Avoid wearing Chestnut
                 and purpose. And, most businesses will earn profits too.              • Lucky Days : Monday
                 Manage your stress. Create a healthy routine. Get enough nutri-       • Lucky Color : Pinkish Yellow
                 ents. Avoid fast food.
                 • Avoid wearing Cyan                                                  Number 7 (nePtUne)
                 • Lucky Days : Sunday                                                 (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
                 • Lucky Color : Baby Blue
                                                                                       You will work on cyber security of your set-up this week. You
                 Number 2 (Moon)                                                       will also conduct weekly training and inductions to enhance in-
                                                                                       house skills of your staff. The profitability of your business will
                 (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)             soar high. Avoid anything to eat which is junk. Drink loads of
                 You will provide innovative technology driven process solutions to    water to do away with minor gut issues.
                                                                                       • Avoid wearing Reddish-brown
                 your clients. Your enhanced customer services will ensure a conve-    • Lucky Days : Wednesday
                 nient, seamless and superior experience for your consumers. Busi-     • Lucky Color : Blush
                 ness trips will get frequent and most will be fruitful too.
                 Take care of your mind. Don’t over stress upon your business oper-
                 ations. Eat light and eat right.                                      Number 8 (SAtUrn)
                 • Avoid wearing Black                                                 (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
                 • Lucky Days : Sunday                                                 You will keep your company’s product and service standards con-
                 • Lucky Color : Aqua
                                                                                       sistent and high to remain competitive. A lot of your entrepre-
                                                                                       neurial ideas will see the light of the day. Businesses of all kinds
                 Number 3 (JUPiter)                                                    will prosper this week. Sleep deprivation is bad. Also, take care of
                 (Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)             your emotional health. Rest will be okay.
                                                                                       • Avoid wearing Charcoal
                 Sales and marketing departments will get good results. You will       • Lucky Days : Thursday
                 have to start doing proper people management. You will excel in cli-  • Lucky Color : Amber
                 ent servicing, this week. You will keep a check on your operational
                 costs too. You might face a slight back injury while working. So, be   Number 9 (MArS)
                 careful with this. Also, don’t stand at a particular place for so long.
                 • Avoid wearing Brown                                                 (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
                 • Lucky Days : Saturday                                               You will keep your company’s product and service standards con-
                 • Lucky Color : Tangerine                                             sistent and high to remain competitive. A lot of your entrepre-
                                                                                       neurial ideas will see the light of the day. Businesses of all kinds
                 Number 4 (UrAnUS)                                                     will prosper this week.
                                                                                       Sleep deprivation is bad. Also, take care of your emotional
                 (Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)             health. Rest will be okay.
                 You will develop a roadmap for your business goals. You will devel-   • Avoid wearing Charcoal
                 op a good resilience plan for your company. You will also develop     • Lucky Days : Thursday
                 strategies and policies to mitigate risks. Meetings and conventions   • Lucky Color : Amber
                 will get very frequent this week.                                          Celebrities of the week :
                 Take care of your gut health. Stop eating deep fried food at work.
                 • Avoid wearing Smokey topaz                                  January 7– irrfan khan        January 10– hrithik roshan
                 • Lucky Days : Sunday                                         January 8 – yash              January 11– rahul Dravid
                 • Lucky Color : Crimson                                       January 9–  farhan Akhtar     January 12– swamy Vivekananda

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