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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 30

                  New Jersey welcomes 2022 with

                         hope, joy, cheer and caution

        Hosted by Amit Jaitly of Sai USA Inc., enthusiastic guests treated to a great menu, music and dance

        OUR BUREAU
        Piscataway, NJ

              s the world closed down on the
              year 2021 in their respective
        Atime zones, Deewan Banquet
        Hall in Piscataway, New Jersey in its
        part had an invigorating mix of deli-
        cious delights and party atmosphere,
        hosted by none other than Mr. Amit
        Jaitly of Sai USA Inc., who main-
        tained the tradition of being a fabu-
        lous host of New Year Celebration.
            Barring 2020, this year also had
        a little different note to it because of
        what we all are still reeling under, but
        that didn’t dampen spirits of the or-
        ganizers, and the event was handled
        with great care and in an utmost safe
        manner  by  Mr.  Amit  Jaitly  and  his
        team that included Mansi Sharma,
        Somit Israni and Sachin Shah. Mr.
        Harpal Oban as the owner of Dee-
        wan Banquets was as involved as the
        rest. From checking the vaccination
        cards at the entrance to ensuring the   with premium open bar that included   guests. Needless to say, and keeping   great time.
        maintenance of safe social distance   Top Shelf Single Malt drinks along   the bar up, Deewan Banquet provid-  As it is the greatest joy of music
        once inside the venue, everything   with hand-crafted cocktails. The bar   ed dinner that was quite appetizing   and dance is how you connect with
        was enlisted as a top priority by each   also catered to non-drinkers that had   As the evening progressed, the   the audience, and keeping this mind
        one involved in the event.        a variety of non-alcoholic mock-tails   guests danced to the tune of DJ Ra-  Mr. Jaitly brought on board a profes-
            As the tradition goes with Dee-  as well as the traditional mango and   hul Verma who very aptly pined to a   sional belly-dancer Yuliya who exhib-
        wan Banquet, Mr. Obhan has always   rose lassi.                     diverse audience. Along with the DJ,   ited a stellar performance that was
        taken the onus of hosting New Year    The enthusiastic guests were   the Dholi and the Drummer played   safe and fabulous. While adults en-
        Celebration in his own way and has   treated to a great menu and myriad   along to build a special rapport with   joyed the foot tapping music and the
        been successful. But this year he del-  of drinks that obviously ranged from   the audience, making them go deep-  belly dance performance, the kids on
        egated Mr. Jaitly of Sai USA Inc. to   multiple bar options to the most lav-  er while enjoying the foot tapping   the other hand were safely tucked in
        organize the event that was carried   ish spreads of mouth-watering food   music, and, as the evening tempo   the adjoining room where they en-
        out quite efficiently by the latter. The   that included more than 25 items   started to build up it became more   joyed activities like face painting, and
        evening jumpstarted the festivities   that were fervently enjoyed by the   evident that the guests were having a   Continued at next page... >>

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