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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 14, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 29

        gi, Chair GHS, Dr. Dwarakanatha   tradition is a way of sharing, caring   too many years in poor health, and   Naidu stated that “Indian med-
        Reddy, Convener India, Dr. Su-    and giving back our medical exper-  these gains in health not felt equally   ical professionals—doctors, nurses
        jeeth Punnam, US Coordinator, Dr.   tise  to  our  motherland.  The  theme   across society. We need to focus on   and technicians have been making
        Lokesh Edara, Chair Global Medical   of this year’s summit is “Prevention   the rising  levels  of obesity,  mental   their mark in every corner of the
        Education, Ms. Vijaya Kodali, AAPI   is Better than Cure”. Using Technol-  illness,  addictions,  age-related  con-  world and have been offering in-
        Office Manager, and my entire plan-  ogy and Telemedicine as a platform   ditions like dementia, and a growing,   valuable services for many decades
        ning committees for dedicating their   we can make healthcare more acces-  ageing, and diverse populations, of-  now. It is estimated that there are
        personal time and spending count-  sible, Transforming the healthcare   ten living with multiple and chronic   1.4 million physicians of Indian or-
        less hours in shaping the conference   approach from Disease Care to Pre-  conditions such as diabetes, asthma,   igin all over the world.”  Several of
        well.” The official GHS Souvenir was   ventive Care.”               and arthritis. We also need to be   them occupy the top administrative
        presented to the leadership by Dr.    Dr. Ravi Kolli, President-Elect   aware of cyberbullying, pervasive   positions in the medical field in the
        Anupama Gotimukula.               f  AAPI said,  “We  have  made  great   misinformation and other harmful   country, including Dr Vivek Murthy,
            In her introductory remarks, Dr.   strides in helping people to live lon-  social media influences affecting our   the present Surgeon-General of the
        Udaya Shivangi said, “This annual   ger, however, people are spending   youth.”                       United States, among others.

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