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BUSINESS EYE                                                        JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 32

                                                              TECH T@LK


                        HEART RHYTHMS IN CHILDREN: STUDY

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 a child had to wear, for 24 to 48 hours, a Holter
                                                                                                   monitor consisting of a device about the size of a
        San Francisco, CA
                                                                                                   smartphone  attached  by  wires  to  five  electrodes
              recent study from the Stanford School of                                             that were adhered to the child’s chest. Patients can
              Medicine suggests that smartwatches can as-                                          now wear event monitors -- in the form of a single
        A sist medical professionals in identifying and                                            sticker placed on the chest -- for a few weeks. Al-
        diagnosing  abnormal  heart  rhythms  in children.                                         though the event monitors are more comfortable
        The results are based on an analysis of electronic                                         and can be worn longer than a Holter monitor,
        health data for children with heart conditions who                                         they sometimes  fall off  early  or cause  problems
        are being treated at Stanford Medicine Children’s                                          such as skin irritation from adhesives.
        Health. The study was published in Communica-                                                 The second challenge is that even a few weeks
        tions Medicine.                                                                            of continuous monitoring may not capture the
            In the course of four years, 145 times, “Apple                                         heart’s erratic behavior, as children experience ar-
        Watch” was cited in patient medical records. Of   for patients.”                           rythmias unpredictably. Kids may go months be-
        the patients whose medical records referenced the   The study’s lead author is Aydin Zahedivash,   tween episodes, making it tricky for their doctors
        smartwatch, 41 had irregular cardiac rhythms that   MD, a clinical instructor in pediatrics.  to determine what’s going on.
        were verified using conventional diagnostic tech-  Most of the abnormal rhythms detected were   Connor Heinz and his family faced both chal-
        niques; 29 of these kids received a diagnosis for the   not life-threatening, Ceresnak said. However, he   lenges when he experienced periods of a racing
        first time for their arrhythmias.             added that the arrythmias detected can cause dis-  heartbeat starting at age 12: An adhesive moni-
            “I  was  surprised  by  how  often  our standard   tressing symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, diz-  tor was too irritating, and he was having irregular
        monitoring didn’t pick up arrythmias and thewatch   ziness and fainting.                   heart rhythms only once every few months. Ceres-
        did,” said senior study author Scott Ceresnak, MD,   Doctors  face  two  challenges  in  diagnosing   nak thought he knew what was causing the racing
        professor of pediatrics. Ceresnak is a pediatric car-  children’s cardiac arrythmias, or heart rhythm   rhythms, but he wanted confirmation. He suggest-
        diologist who treats patients at Stanford Medicine.   abnormalities.  The  first  is  that  cardiac  diagnos-  ed that Connor and his mom, Amy Heinz, could
        “It’s awesome to see that newer technology can   tic devices, though they have improved in recent   try using Amy’s smartwatch to record the rhythm
        really make a difference in how we’re able to care   years, still aren’t ideal for kids. Ten to 20 years ago,   the next time Connor’s heart began racing.

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