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The Indian Eye

         28                                                                                                                JANUARY 12, 2024

         Parag Ray to Perform Soulful Ghazals

               and Sufi Concert for Music Lovers

                 IWINC and NACOI Present a Poetic Evening of Music and Spirituality on January 13

        OUR BUREAU

        Toronto, ON
              fter the grand success of Gul-
              zaarish,  IWINC,  in  collabo-
        Aration with NACOI presents
        KHWAHISH,  a magical evening  of
        Ghazal and Sufi music by the inter-
        nationally acclaimed vocalist, Parag
            Ray, Canada’s versatile musician
        and a discipline of Ustad Ghulam Ali
        Khan, along with seven musicians,
        will present a captivating Ghazal and
        Sufi concert that will transport audi-
        ences to a realm of divine melodies
        and poetic expression on January
        13, 2024 at the Nanji Foundation
        Auditorium, Aga Khan Museum in
        Toronto. This enchanting evening
        promises  to be  a  fusion  of  cultural
        richness, musical brilliance, and spir-
        itual resonance.
            Renowned artists from around
        the world will gather on one stage to
        share their unparalleled talent and
        deep connection to Ghazal and Sufi
        poetry, creating an immersive expe-
        rience that transcends boundaries.
        Attendees will be treated to a melod-
        ic journey, celebrating the unity of
        mankind through the universal lan-
        guage of music.
            “We are excited to curate an
        evening that not only showcases the
        beauty  of  Ghazals  and  Sufi  poetry
        but also provides a space for people
        to connect with their inner selves,”
        said Ray, the visionary behind  this
        event, on January 3 at the Meet and
        Greet held at Khau Gully restaurant
        in Markham. “This concert is a cel-
        ebration of cultural heritage and an
        opportunity to explore the deeper di-
        mensions of music and spirituality.”  you yet another legacy of music nev-  ration.”                  and to enrich lives and society.
            As part of the concert experi-  er experienced before,” says Mini   Founded by the collective vision   NACOI is a leading event pro-
        ence, attendees will also have the   Khurana, IWINC. “Parag Ray is a   of five ingenuous women – Mini Khu-  duction company dedicated to curat-
        chance to delve into the significance   versatile, classically trained/accred-  rana, Ravinder Malhi, Taran Chan-  ing exceptional cultural experiences
        of  Ghazal  and  Sufi  poetry  that  will   ited and internationally acclaimed   dok, Ranju Bansal and Manpreet   that inspire,  entertain,  and  uplift.
        enrich the audience’s understand-  vocalist and outstanding artist. Don’t   Dhillon - from the Greater Toronto   With a passion for celebrating di-
        ing of the artistic and philosophical   miss this opportunity to be a part of   Area, IWINC has a mandate to bring   verse art forms, NACOI aims to cre-
        context that has shaped these genres   an unforgettable evening that merges   together the strength, energy and re-  ate events that foster cross-cultural
        over centuries. “We wanted to bring   musical mastery with spiritual inspi-  sources of women in the community   understanding and appreciation.

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