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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 10, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 22

           Mayor Adams announces Year-Long Celebration

                         of NYC’s History, Culture, Innovation,

              and Creativity during City’s 400th Anniversary

        Celebrations, Concerts, and Free Events Will Take Place Throughout 2025, Across All Five Boroughs

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams has an-
               nounced, “Founded By NYC,” a year-long
        Ninclusive, comprehensive celebration of the
        400th anniversary of New York City that launches
        tonight. In partnership with NYC Tourism + Con-
        ventions, Founded By NYC will celebrate how New
        York City has made history, and continues to do
        so — highlighting the achievements driven by the
        creativity and resilience of the five boroughs and its
        people, including the perspectives of marginalized
        audiences like those of the Indigenous community,
        women, and people of color.
            “For four centuries, history has happened here.
        And in 2025, through our ‘Founded By NYC’ cam-
        paign, we will celebrate all those who came here
        from around the world over those 400 years to
        build our great city — the New Yorkers whose vi-
        brant culture, innovation, and abilities continue to
        make us the envy of the world today — as well as all
        we continue to do every day to build a future that
        is safer and more affordable,” said Mayor Adams.   sion’s art installations, New York City Department  itage at Gracie Mansion, to ensure the past con-
            “But we know that our city’s history has not  of Parks & Recreation free summer movies featur-  tributions and painful experiences of the Lenape
        been without its challenges, and that the story of  ing notable films set in the five boroughs, the 47th  people and other Indigenous communities are not
        New York City began a millennia ago, long before  Annual Museum Mile Festival, New York Philhar-  lost to history.
        the Dutch arrived, when this land was inhabited by  monic free concerts featuring New York City-based   “New York City has long been a beacon of in-
        the Lenape people. To properly recognize our city’s  composers and performances of iconic New York  spiration and ingenuity, and the ‘Founded By NYC’
        complex, diverse, and unparalleled history, we must  City songs, performances by Broadway stars, and  campaign captures that spirit,” said NYC Tourism
        also acknowledge the painful parts of its origin, and  the largest-ever New York City Department of  + Conventions President and CEO Julie Coker.
        ensure we are celebrating the Lenape’s rich contri-  Transportation Summer Streets with 400 blocks of  “Our year-long commemoration invites visitors and
        butions to our city as much as anyone else’s. The  free events citywide. Dates and times for events will  locals alike to explore the rich history, cultural di-
        story of New York City is one of perseverance and  be announced in the coming months. New York  versity, and innovation that define New York City.
        triumph, and, in 2025, we will show the world why  City’s 400th anniversary themes will be featured  From the Lenape people’s legacy to the communi-
        we are the greatest city in the world.”      in additional events, parades, festivals, institutions,  ties that have shaped the five boroughs, this cam-
            Starting this week, organizations are encour-  and celebrations across the city with announce-  paign honors our shared past while looking to the
        aged to visit Founded By NYC to submit events  ments to come throughout the year.          future. We look forward to welcoming the world to
        to be added to the Founded By NYC celebration.   The campaign is supported by “Hamilton,” the  celebrate 400 years of New York City magic.”
        Events should be in person, encourage visitors to  Tony Award-winning Broadway musical, including   “We  look  forward to  continuing  to  partner
        explore everything the five boroughs has to offer  the song, “The Schuyler Sisters,” which provides  with the city to honor the homeland and territo-
        during this milestone year, and should highlight  the  soundtrack  for  the  Founded  By  NYC  teaser  ry of Lenapehoking,” said Joe Baker, co-founder,
        or commemorate one or more of the following  video. Further integrations with the musical, which  Lenape Center. “While much progress has been
        themes: historical significance, cultural impact, in-  celebrates its 10th anniversary in August, will be an-  made, there is still more to do. This anniversary pro-
        novation and creativity, authentic storytelling, or  nounced in the coming months.         vides an opportunity to teach New Yorkers about
        sustainability and legacy.                       Throughout planning for New York City’s  crucial principles of culture that have provided the
            Founded By NYC brings together organiza-  400th  anniversary,  the  Mayor’s  Office  has  part-  Lenape a harmonious and balanced existence with

        tions across the city, including the Lenape Center,  nered with the Lenape Center to uplift the voices  Haki, Mother Earth.”
        The Broadway League, the Museum of the City of  of the Lenape community. Earlier this year, Mayor   New York City continues to be the largest point
        New York, Times Square Alliance, multiple Busi-  Adams proclaimed November  20  “Lenape Heri-  of entry to the United States, with more flights ar-
        ness Improvement Districts, and all city agencies.  tage Day” in a ceremony at Gracie Mansion.   riving through city airports than any other destina-
        All year, New York City’s 400th anniversary will be   This announcement came one year after May-  tion in the country. The New York City subway sys-
        incorporated into major city events in the worlds of  or Adams hosted the first-ever mayoral reception  tem rebounded, reaching 1 billion trips nearly two
        art, film, music, and more, including Gracie Man-  celebrating Native American and Indigenous her-  months before the end of 2024.

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