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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 10, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 20

                Asian American Advertising Federation (3AF)

              Makes Significant Strides in 2024 to Elevate the

         Asian American Community, Media, and Marketing

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            enhancing the quality and inclusivity
                                                                                                              of survey research by addressing key
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              issues impacting the Asian American
           n 2025, the Asian American                                                                         community. By facilitating conversa-
           Advertising Federation (3AF)                                                                       tions around accurate data collec-
        Icontinues to make substantial                                                                        tion and representation, 3AF aims
        progress in its mission to uplift the                                                                 to influence better decision-making
        multicultural segment and amplify                                                                     within the media and marketing in-
        the  voices of the 24  million-strong                                                                 dustries.
        Asian American community within                                                                           For  the  first  time,  3AF  orga-
        the media, marketing, and outreach                                                                    nized its annual Summit and the ea-
        sectors. In 2024, 3AF rolled out sev-                                                                 gerly awaited Multicultural Awards
        eral key initiatives that not only fos-                                                               Gala in Dallas, Texas moving away
        tered the growth of the community                                                                     from Los Angeles and las Vegas .
        but  also  highlighted  the  unique  op-                                                              The  event  was  welcomed  very  well
        portunities and contributions of the                                                                  & attracted a  record attendance
        Asian American market.                                                                                of media professionals, marketers,
            The  3AF  Next  Gen  Leaders                                                                      industry partners, agencies, and
        Mentorship Program, now in its                                                                        trade enthusiasts, making it one of
        fourth year, has become a pivotal                                                                     the most impactful gatherings in
        initiative in connecting enterprising                                                                 the industry. The gala celebrated
        mentees and experienced mentors                                                                       outstanding achievements in multi-
        across the nation. This year, the pro-                                                                cultural marketing, with a focus on
        gram further strengthened its mission                                                                 Asian American representation and
        of cultivating the next generation of                                                                 innovation.
        marketers, media experts, and indus-                                                                      In a year marked by heightened
        try leaders. The program continues                                                                    awareness of mental health issues,
        to foster meaningful relationships,                                                                   3AF collaborated with the Ad Coun-
        providing young professionals with                                                                    cil to raise awareness about the crit-
        the skills and guidance to thrive in                                                                  ical mental health challenges faced
        the competitive landscape of   multi-                                                                 by Asian Americans. The initiative
        cultural   media and marketing.                                                                       aimed to provide much-needed re-
            Indrajit “Indy” Majumdar, Pres-                                                                   sources, foster open dialogue, and
        ident  of  3AF    and  the  first  South                                                              reduce the stigma around mental
        Asian and first person from the me-                                                                   health within the community, mak-
        dia sector    to  lead  this prestigious                                                              ing it a significant part of 3AF’s 2024
        organization is  currently serving his                                                                outreach efforts.
        second term, shared his thoughts                                                                          The Asian American Advertis-
        on the Federation’s achievements:                                                                     ing Federation (3AF) is a national
        “Our initiatives and efforts are di-  in terms of membership acquisition   media industry & marketing frater-  trade organization comprised of
        rectly aimed at uplifting the Asian   and  retention.”  Under  Majumdar’s   nity  about emerging trends and pri-  Asian American advertising agen-
        American community and ensuring   leadership , 3AF  has witnessed sev-  oritizing the measurement of media   cies, Asian market advertisers, Asian
        that our segment receives undivided   eral landmark initiatives and mean-  effectiveness through accurate in-  media companies and other industry
        attention &   the marketing and me-  ingful  collaborations with marketers   sights and data.         specialists.
        dia investments and focus it deserves.   & leading industry associations such   “We are committed to creating   Its mission is to advance the
        As the fastest-growing multicultural   as ANA , AIMM, Advertising Week   better awareness and driving invest-  Asian American marketing and
        group in the U.S with purchasing   New York , Ad Council , Gold House   ment in our segment,” said Majum-  advertising industry for  Asian
        power expected to touch $ 1.9 Tril-  , Hispanic Marketing Council .   dar. “In 2025, we will continue to ac-  American consumers through ed-
        lion by 2026,   the Asian American    As 3AF moves into 2025, the or-  celerate our efforts to ensure Asian   ucation, advocacy, promotion, and
        community presents immense op-    ganization plans to further acceler-  American voices are heard, valued,   increased collaboration of all in-
        portunities for brands and corpora-  ate its efforts with an expanded suite   and represented in the advertising   dustry stakeholders including, but
        tions. Our outreach events , collab-  of webinars, outreach events, and   and marketing industries.”  not limited to, marketers, agencies,
        orations on industry initiatives   and   educational  programs  designed  to   In 2024, 3AF co-hosted the   research partners and media. Addi-
        partnerships in 2024 have seen re-  help clients understand the emerg-  “Advanced Inclusivity in Survey Re-  tionally, 3AF seeks to promote and
        cord participation, and our efforts to   ing opportunities within the Asian   search” event in collaboration with   encourage high standards of con-
        engage with major corporations and   American market. Key focus areas   Amplify AAPI and AARP. This   duct and ethics among our mem-
        industry stakeholders have paid off   will include further educating the   groundbreaking initiative focused on   bers and our industry.

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