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BUSINESS EYE                                                         JANUARY 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 35

                                                              TECH T@LK

         Amazon joins YouTube, Apple in  ‘Home Assistant’ to get its own

          investing on live sports content                                   voice separate from Siri or Alexa

              mazon has joined the band-  Video and its ad-supported stream-      o need for Google, Siri or      According  to  a  report  by  US-
              wagon of incorporating sports   ing platform Freevee.               Alexa to speak with your    based  tech  portal ‘The  Verge’,  the
        Acontent in its operations.           Meanwhile, the e-commerce gi- NAI-powered smart home plat-      Schoutsen-run   company   ‘Nabu
            According  to  a  report  by  US-  ant, had announced earlier this year   form anymore. ‘Home Assistant’, an   Casa’, which provides cloud services
        based  tech  portal,  TechCrunch,   that it is discontinuing Amazon Dis-  open-source platform for smart home   for ‘Home Assistant’, has hired well-
        citing The Information, the e-com-  tribution, its wholesale e-commerce   interaction, would soon be having all   known developer Michael Hansen
        merce giant is developing an app   website available to small neighbour-  its voice commands localized.   for the development of the local
        dedicated to sports content.      hood stores in Bengaluru, Mysuru                                    voice assistant.
            The move hints at Amazon’s    and Hubli. Amazon Distribution was   The platform’s founder, Paulus     Hansen previously has the
        focused  action  towards  investing  in   designed to help small stores, phar-                        voice-assistant product ‘Rhasspy’ to
        Prime Video and live sports content.   macies and department stores in In-  Schoutsen, took to the official  his credit.
        The report follows the multinational   dia to secure inventory from Amazon.  ‘Home Assistant’ blog last week   Schoutsen’s blog post highlight-
        company’s CEO, Andy Jassy refer-      “We don’t take these decisions                                  ed the platform’s priority to make
        ring to live sports as ‘a unique asset’   lightly. We are discontinuing this  to announce the launching of  ‘Home Assistant’ accessible in mul-
        at an event in New York.          program in a phased manner to     the  project which would  give    tiple languages. “Our #1 priority
            Currently,  the  technological   take care of current customers and                               is supporting different languages.
        giant holds the exclusive rights for   partners and we are supporting our  the housing platform its own  There are enough projects out there
        NFL’s Thursday Night Football. It   affected employees during this tran-  voice assistant with a set of ba-  trying to create an English voice as-
        also showcases some Premier League   sition,” a spokesperson of the com-                              sistant. But for us, that just doesn’t
        soccer matches and Yankees baseball   pany said in a statement.     sic sentences to start with.      cut it. People need to be able to speak
        games, as per TechCrunch.             The e-commerce giant last week                                  in their own language, as that is the
            The company recently also     had said that it would be shutting its   “It is our goal for 2023 to let us-  most accessible and only acceptable
        launched some talk-shows on sports   food-delivery business and online   ers control Home Assistant in their   language for a voice assistant for the
        which are featured on both Prime   learning academy in India.       own language,” the blog read.     smart home,” the blog read.

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