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BUSINESS EYE                                                         JANUARY 06, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 34

                                                     YEARENDER 2022

         After a weak and turbulent year, will the

                 Indian rupee rise strongly in 2023?

          At the start of 2022, the overall forex reserves were at USD 633.61 billion, which is currently at USD 563.499
            billion. Much of the decline can be attributed to RBI’s intervention and a rise in the cost of imported goods

        OUR BUREAU

              he Indian Rupee has been in
              the news cycle for a consider-
        Table part of 2022, not for good
        reasons. Monetary policy tightening
        by  various central banks to contain
        inflation, the war in Ukraine leading
        to price rise for crude oil and subse-
        quent realignment in the global ener-
        gy supply chain, and strengthening of
        the US dollar index kept the Indian
        currency under pressure. In 2022, the
        Rupee depreciated over 11 per cent
        on a cumulative basis, data showed.
        It breached the 83-mark against the
        US dollar in mid-October, to hit an
        all-time low.
            It has, however, performed better
        than most Asian peer currencies, in-
        cluding the Chinese Renminbi, Indo-
        nesian Rupiah, Philippine Peso, South
        Korean Won, and Taiwanese Dollar
        during  the  current  financial  year.  For 2023, Rupee will be in a tight range of 80.0-83.5 as another breather may come from the decline in international crude oil prices (File photo)
            The US Federal Reserve policy
        rate is now at a target of 4.25-4.50   tightening  monetary  policies  and  fis-  attributed to RBI’s intervention and   in a tight range of 80.0-83.5. Anoth-
        per cent, the highest level in 15 years,  cal policies and the alarming situation   a rise in the cost of imported goods.  er breather may come from the de-
        which was near zero in the early part   from Covid in China.           “The RBI intervention in forex   cline in international crude oil prices,
        of 2022. An increase in policy rates in   However, everything is not   spot market will curb any upside   which currently is trading at about
        the US and other advanced econo-  gloom and doom for the Rupee fun-  momentum in USD/INR rates. This   USD 78-80 per barrel. It touched as
        mies typically leads to a depreciation   damentals as the US Dollar index has   will help to stabilize exchange rates   high as around USD 130 per barrel
        of the emerging markets currency   fallen from the peak of 114 to around   around 83 - 87 in 2023,” said Su-  earlier this year.
        such as the Rupee.                105 currently.                    meet Bagaria, Executive Director at   A depreciation in Rupee too has
           “Indian Rupee has had a mixed      According to VK Vijayakumar,   Choice Broking, adding that it would   its own share of advantages as it typi-
        year in 2022, as far as relative perfor-  Chief Investment Strategist at Geojit   be  interesting  to  see  how  the  RBI   cally raises exporters’ earnings. What
        mance is concerned. During the first   Financial Services, said: “The Dol-  tackles the situation.    is India doing to reduce the over-de-
        three months it was an underperform-  lar will stabilize and start weakening   Going ahead, much of the Ru-  pendence of the US Dollar and sub-
        er due to higher oil prices. However, it   when the (US) Fed pauses by Q2 of   pee’s movement will also depend on   sequent internationalization of the
        came back strongly during the mid of   2023. RBI has done a good job in in-  the monetary policy action by the US   Rupee?
        this year, due to fall in the energy pric-  tervening in the forex market to stabi-  Federal Reserve.     The RBI had announced various
        es and aggressive intervention from   lize the rupee and manage the forex   “If we look ahead to 2023, the   measures recently to diversify and ex-
        the RBI. But since October, we have   reserves.”                    first half will still be unpredictable be-  pand the sources of forex funding to
        seen Rupee underperform its peers     Typically, the RBI from time   cause the USA’s terminal rate is still   mitigate exchange rate volatility and
        once again, but this time due to larger   to time intervenes in the markets   unknown, and the  Russia-Ukraine   dampen global spillovers.
        than usual demand from oil import-  through liquidity management, in-  war has not yet ended. As a result, the   Of them, the major one is that
        ers,” said Shrikant Chouhan, Head   cluding through the selling of dollars,   first half of 2023 may see some addi-  the RBI has put in place an additional
        Equity Research at Kotak Securities.  with a view to preventing a steep de-  tional weakness, but the second half   arrangement for invoicing, payment,
            Chouhan added 2023 can be a   preciation in the rupee.          may be better for the rupee because   and settlement of exports/imports in
        year of two halves.                   At the start of 2022, the overall   US interest rates may reach their   Indian currency in mid-July, 2022. If
            In explanation, he said “the seeds   forex reserves were at USD 633.61 bil-  peak,” said Santosh Meena, Head of   the mechanism fructifies then it may
        of a global economic slowdown could   lion, which is currently at USD 563.499   Research at Swastika Investmart.  go a long way in internationalizing
        germinate”  in  the  first  half  due  to   billion. Much of the decline can be   For 2023, Meena sees Rupee   the Indian currency rupee in the long

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