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BIG STORY DECEMBER 27, 2024 | The Indian Eye 5
the RSS are anti-Ambedkar and an- “Jai Bhim” in the Parliament premis-
ti-Constitutional, their Home Minis- es. Vadra said that people should not
ter said that directly in the House,” he remain confused that the BJP was
said. protecting the Constitution since the
“We were going to the House; language used by Union Home Min-
their MPs were standing at the gate ister Amit Shah was reflective of their
to stop us. The Home Minister should reality.
resign and apologize. The government “We protest daily from 10:00 AM
wants to divert attention. The main is- to 11:00 AM. Nothing has happened
sue is that Modiji’s friend Adani has till now. This is all a conspiracy. We
a case against him in the US, he does asked those who were stopping us
not want a discussion on this,” Rahul to chant ‘Jai Bhim’...We didn’t say
Gandhi added. anything. We kept chanting slogans
Meanwhile, Congress MP and for our constitution. If the people of
Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha this country think that these people
Rahul Gandhi continued to demand are protecting the constitution, they
the resignation of Union Home Min- should not remain confused since
ister Amit Shah on Friday, claiming Amit Shah’s language has exposed
that there has been an “Akraman on NDA MPs hold placards during a protest against Lok Sabha LoP and Congress MP Rahul Gand- their reality. They can’t even say Jai
Samvidhan” (Full on attack on Con- hi at Parliament premises in New Delhi on Friday (ANI) Bhim. I challenge them to say Jai
stitution) and that that the Bharatiya Bhim here,” Vadra told reporters.
Janata Party, PM Modi and Union She came out in defense of Con-
Home Minister Amit Shah did a grave Friday stated that the FIR against Lok and Union Home Minister made al- gress leader Rahul Gandhi amid al-
mistake insulting B R Ambedkar. Sabha LoP Rahul Gandhi was just a legations against Pandit Nehru which legations of “physical assault.” Vadra
Posting about the remarks in his drama enacted by the BJP to distract could not be authenticated. They said that her brother was peacefully
accounts on his social media accounts from the real issues at hand. “For us, won’t be able to authenticate it,” the going inside the Parliament when BJP
(Facebook and Instagram), Gandhi Parliament’s productivity was 100 per Congress leader added. MPs stopped him.
said, “BJP, Narendra Modi and Amit cent because today the entire country Meanwhile, Trinamool Congress “Rahul (Gandhi) was peaceful-
Shah have committed the biggest knows what the Union Home Min- (TMC) MPs on Friday protested ly going inside the Parliament while
mistake of their lives by attacking the ister (Amit Shah) and (Prime Min- against the remarks of Home Minister holding BR Ambedkar’s photograph
Constitution and insulting Baba Sa- ister) Narendra Modi think about Amit Shah’s remarks on Ambedkar. and chanting the ‘Jai Bhim’ slogan.
heb. India will not forgive this mistake. Dr Ambedkar. We assess the Parlia- The MPs stood together with a pic- Who stopped him from going to the
The Home Minister should apologize ment’s productivity by the intention of ture of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambed- Parliament? We have been protesting
and resign.” the government. Union Home Minis- kar, the architect of the Constitution for so many days and there is always
Gandhi also highlighted a speech ter has insulted Babasaheb Ambed- and chanted Jai Bhim in front of his space left for those who are going in-
of his parliament, comparing it as a kar,” Ramesh said. statute. TMC MP Kalyan Banerjee side and outside,” Vadra, who is the
fight between Manusmriti and the He asserted that Union Minis- mentioned that the party has opposed Congress MP from Wayanad, said.
Constitution, saying that one side de- ters including Amit Shah and Nirmala to comments of Ambedkar. On the last day of the Winter Ses-
fends the constitution. “It is written in Sitharaman cannot prove their allega- In a related development, Con- sion, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor
the Constitution, prohibition of dis- tions against former Prime Minister gress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra expressed his dismay over repeated
crimination on grounds of race, caste, Jawaharlal Nehru made two days ago. on Thursday lashed out at Bharatiya disruption in the Parliamentary pro-
religion and place of birth...There is “I have complained to the Chairman Janata Party (BJP) and its MPs who ceedings saying that the Parliament
a battle taking place today in India. (Rajya Sabha) that it has been 72 were protesting against her party for failed to fulfil its responsibilities and
This side (pointing to his MPs) are hours since Finance Minister (Nir- allegedly insulting Dr Ambedkar, let the people of the country down.
the defenders of the idea of the Con- mala Sitharaman), (JP) Nadda Saheb challenging them to chant the slogan “To my mind, Parliament is a
stitution,” he had said in his speech in forum for debate, discussion, and
Parliament. disagreements certainly but not for
Earlier, Delhi Police registered disruption. There was an agreement
an FIR against Rahul Gandhi, in con- reached between the Government
nection to a scuffle that took place in and the Opposition in the first week
Parliament. The tensions had erupted that the Opposition could protest out-
when members of the opposition and side but inside work would continue.
the ruling parties held parallel pro- It went on for 2-3 days. But thereafter,
tests. During the protests, Congress we ended up once again with a com-
leader Mallikarjun Kharge alleged plete breakdown. I think that was very
that he was pushed, and two BJP unfortunate. I really hope that the
members were injured during the inci- Govt reaches out to the Opposition
dent. Multiple Congress leaders have and finds a solution. So that in an ob-
condemned the FIR against Gandhi, jective way, we can all get on with the
calling it a diversionary tactic from work of the House,” he said.
Shah’s comments. The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
In response, multiple BJP MPs were adjourned on Friday amid pro-
have demanded an apology from Ra- tests over Home Minister Amit Shah’s
hul Gandhi as the winter session of remarks on BR Ambedkar. The Win-
the Parliament concluded on Friday. ter Session 2024 of Parliament began
Both Houses were adjourned Sine on November 25, and concluded on
Die after uproarious scenes. MPs coming out from the Parliament during the Winter Session in New Delhi on Friday (ANI) December 20, with a lot of bitterness
Congress MP Jairam Ramesh on on both sides.