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NATION                                                                DECEMBER 25, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          10

         How India is preparing to rollout various

         vaccines for 1.3 billion people in phases

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    guide way forward prior to ac-

        New Delhi                                                                                                     tual implementation including
        T      he Indian Council of                                                                                   quired in the envisaged process.
                                                                                                                      improvements that may  be  re-
                                                                                                                      This will also provide a hands-
               (ICMR) has said that
                                                                                                                      managers at various levels.
        the Indian vaccine against                                                                                    on experience to programme
        COVID-19, Covaxin, has drawn                                                                                      This activity will also in-
        global attention. In a tweet, the                                                                             clude testing for cold storage
        ICMR said, “India’s indigenous                                                                                and transportation arrange-
        vaccine  against  #COVID19                                                                                    ments  for  the  COVID19  vac-
        Covaxin-a product of IC-                                                                                      cine, management of crowd at
        MR-Bharat Biotech collabora-                                                                                  the session sites with proper
        tion, achieves remarkable feat.                                                                               physical distancing.
        Data generated from within In-                                                                                    The Ministry said that the
        dia underlines impressive safe-                                                                               detailed checklist has been pre-
        ty  and  immunogenicity  profile                                                                              pared and shared with the four
        of Covaxin and sparks Lancet’s        Foreign envoys take a tour of Bharat Biotech facility where cOVID19 Vac-  states to guide them in the dry
        interest in publishing them.”                  cine covaxin is being developed, in hyderabad (ANI)            run.
        The ICMR said, “Encouraging                                                                                       The National Expert Group
        Phase I and Phase II COVAX- HGCO 19, inactivated rabies  zation officers, cold chain offi- on Vaccine Administration of
        IN trial results have paved the  vector platform and Vesiculo  cers, IEC officials and develop- COVID-19 (NEGVAC) has
        path for Phase III Clinical Trial  Vax platform.                         ment partner.                        recommended three prioritised
        in India, which is currently on-        The Central Government               To  facilitate  redressal  of  population groups which in-
        going at 22 sites.”                  is gearing up for the roll-out of  queries on COVID-19 vac- clude about one crore health-
            The All India Institute of  COVID-19 vaccine across the  cination and Co-WIN portal  care, about two crore frontline
        Medical     Sciences     (AIIMS) country and a two-days dry run  related queries,  national  1075  workers and 27 crores priori-
        based in New Delhi on Thursday  has been planned in Andhra  and state 104 helpline capacity  tised age group.
        invited volunteers for the Phase  Pradesh,  Assam, Gujarat  and  has also been strengthened to                    The present cold chain sys-
        III  clinical  trial  of  the  indige- Punjab considering the geo- address queries beyond their  tem consisting of 85,634 equip-
        nously developed  COVID-19  graphical locations next week,  routine support. As a step to  ments for storage of vaccine at
        vaccine candidate ‘Covaxin’ for  said  the  Union  Ministry  of  prep up for the administration  about 28,947 cold chain points
        which it is one of the sites.        Health and Family Welfare on  of COVID-19 vaccine, and  across the country will be used
            Earlier, Union Health Min- Friday.                                   to assess  the  readiness  of the  for the cold chain administra-
        ister Harsh Vardhan on Decem-           The government has al- planned activities, a dry run has  tion, as vaccines are tempera-
        ber  19 had  said that country’s  ready trained participants who  been planned in four states to  ture sensitive and need to be
        scientists and health experts  will administer the vaccine. The  start with Andhra Pradesh, As- stored in a specific temperature.
        have worked on the develop- detailed training modules have  sam, Gujarat, Punjab consider-                        Meanwhile,        Aurobindo
        ment of an indigenous vaccine  been  developed  for  different  ing the geographical locations.               Pharma and US-based Covaxx
        and in the upcoming six to sev- categories of vaccine handlers               “Each State will plan it in  have entered into a license
        en months India will have the  and administrators including  two districts  and  preferably  agreement to develop, commer-
        capacity to inoculate about 30  medical  officers,  vaccinators,  in  different  five-session  type  cialize and manufacture a vac-
        crore people.                        alternate    vaccinators,    cold settings  e.g.  district  hospital,  cine to fight Covid-19 for India
            The six vaccine candidates       chain handlers, supervisors,  CHC/PHC, urban site, private  and the United Nations Chil-
        which are in various stages of  data managers, ASHA coordi- health facility, rural outreach,  dren’s Fund (UNICEF) agency.
        the clinical trial are - Covishield,  nators and all others involved  etc.,” it added.                            Covaxx is currently con-
        Covaxin, ZyCoV-D, Sputnik V,  in the implementation process                  The dry run will enable end- ducting a phase one clinical
        NVX-CoV2373  and  recombi- at different levels, to strength- to-end mobilization and testing  trial for the vaccine candidate
        nant protein antigen-based vac- en the capacity of human re- of COVID-19 vaccination pro- UB-61. “We are proud to part-
        cine, according to the Health  source for vaccine introduction  cess  (except  the  vaccine)  and  ner with Covaxx in developing
        Ministry.                            and roll-out.                       check the usage of Co-WIN in  the  first-ever  synthetic  pep-
            In addition to the above            As  many  as,  2,360  partici- field environment, the linkages  tide-based vaccine to combat
        six which are in various tri- pants were trained during na- between planning, implementa- the Covid-19 pandemic,” said
        al stages, the following three  tional-level training of trainers  tion and reporting mechanisms  N Govindarajan, Managing Di-
        are in pre-clinical trial stages -  which comprised state immuni- and identify challenges and  rector of Aurobindo Pharma.

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