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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                  DECEMBER 24, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 44

                   Bollywood Gup-Shup

          pRiyanKa ChopRa                                                   RanbiR KapooR

          Star reveals how she landed role in ‘Matrix Resurrections’        Actor misses his father terribly
                  t  the  100th  episode                                                                                 ctor Ranbir Kapoor
                  of Red Table                                                                                           paid  a  small  emo-
          ATalk, Global                                                                                          Ational tribute to his
          star  Priyanka  Chopra                                                                                   late father Rishi Kapoor at
          Jonas on Wednesday                                                                                        the official poster launch
          opened about how she                                                                                       event  of  his  upcoming
          got  her  steps  into  the                                                                                  movie    ‘Brahmastra’
          Matrix universe.                                                                                            in  the  national  capital
              As per People mag-                                                                                      on Wednesday. ‘Brah-
          azine, the ‘Fashion’ star                                                                                   mastra’ director Ayan
          sat with her co-stars                                                                                      Mukherjee with lead
          Keanu Reeves and Car-                                                                                      actors Ranbir and Alia
          rie-Anne Moss for the                                                                                     Bhatt  was  also  present
          100th  episode  of  Red                                                                                 at the event. After unveil-
          Table Talk, where she                                                                                 ing the official poster of the
          opened about how she got                       excited right after                                 much-anticipated  movie,  Ran-
          getting “the call” from iconic director Lana Wachowski.                                        bir got emotional and recalled his
              “So when I got the call from my agent, I remember I was in        conver-           sation with his father about the film that was
          India filming something, and they were like, ‘Oh, [director] Lana     under production for more than eight years. “I miss my father
          [Wachowski] wants to meet you tomorrow in San Francisco. I drove      terribly today. I remember during the making of the film, he
          to the airport. I was like, ‘Sure!’ Whatever it takes to get the op-  kept fighting with Ayan and me and kept questioning us. ‘What
          portunity to work with all of you lot, it’s just such a privilege and an   are you guys doing? Who takes so long to make a film? Who
          honor,” Priyanka said.                                                spends so much money? Ranbir, you are not making a penny
                                                                                on this film. Nobody watches a VFX film in the country?’ But I
                                                                                believe he is here somewhere and I hope he is proud. I hope he
                                                                                is smiling,” Ranbir said.

          amRita Rao

          How she used to meet her beau Anmol

                ove makes you do crazy and special things for your partner. Actor Amrita Rao
                is no exception. During her initial dating phase with RJ Anmol, she would go to
         Lhis events in burqa in order to avoid the public glare. Recalling her dating days,
          Armita said, “I always wanted to do the normal things that all couples do in a relation-
          ship without letting my stardom come in the way. I made sure I camouflaged and went
          to all those places regular people go. Anmol was my perfect partner in crime...From
          eating gola to sitting on the promenade and enjoying the setting sun all these experienc-
          es really added so much fun and spice to our dating.”
             According to Anmol, it’s extremely fun to do such little crazy things in love.
             “There is a song by Queen - CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE .... Amrita
          and I did some crazy cool stuff and that’s the fun of being in Love,” he expressed.

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