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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 36

                                                              TECH T@LK

          Instagram launches “hacked” hub to                                     Twitter accounts are now verified

           troubleshoot account access issues                                                 with three colours

              mong  a  number  of  add-ons   lost  access  to  two-factor  authenti-  witter’s updated account ver-  According to a report by The
              and updates, the photo-shar-  cation or if your account has been    ification  program  has  finally   Verge, the microblogging platform’s
        Aing app recently initiated a     disabled.  From  there,  you  will  be  Tlaunched.                  ‘Twitter Blue’ subscriptions rolled
        new feature recently which can help   able to follow a series of steps to   Earlier, every account had a blue   out despite warnings from Twitter’s
        resolve problems related to access-  help regain access to your account.   tick now there is a development in   own trust and safety staff.
        ing accounts.                     If you have multiple accounts asso-  which some accounts have turned    The chaos began with a fake
            Instagram   announced    on   ciated  with  your  information,  you   Gold. Last month, CEO Elon Musk,   Nintendo account, which posted the
        Thursday  that  they  are  launching   will be able to choose which account   took to the microblogging site to make   image of the well-known game char-
        a “hacked” hub to assist accounts   needs support,” the platform added.  the announcement. “Sorry for the de-  acter Mario raising a middle finger at
        that have been experiencing access    According  to  a  report  by  US-  lay, we’re tentatively launching Veri-  the Twitter bird.
        issues.                           based Tech portal, TechCrunch, Ins-  fied on Friday next week.” he posted.  Meanwhile,  another  fake  Twit-
            “To support accounts that are   tagram is additionally expanding ac-  “Gold check for companies, grey   ter  account  emerged  for  ‘Eli  Lilly’,
        experiencing access issues or may   cess to a feature which can provide   check for government, blue for indi-  the pharmaceutical company. It had
        have been hacked, we created Insta-  users with numerous ways to regain   viduals (celebrity or not) and all ver-  tweeted that insulin had become free. - a new, compre-  their account if they lose access.  ified  accounts  will  be  manually  au-  As  per  a  report  by  The  Verge,
        hensive destination people can rely   Earlier,  the  social  networking   thenticated  before  check  activates,”   this repelled numerous advertisers
        on to report and resolve account   service had initiated testing a way   the SpaceX owner added.      from  the  platform.  Subsequently,
        access issues,” the message on Ins-  for people to ask friends for identity   He had earlier tweeted about the   Musk pulled off the 7.99 USD service
        tagram’s announcement blog read.  confirmation for account access re-  usage of different colours for differ-  in a matter of days after its release.
            “If you’re unable  to log in to   gaining, an option which can now be   ent organisations and individuals but   Musk had taken the matter in
        your account, enter  availed by everyone.            fleshed out the details just recently.  his own hands and tweeted that any
        hacked on your mobile phone or        Instagram is also planning to     “All  verified  individual  humans   account that tried to impersonate
        desktop browser. Next, you will be   send out warnings if users receive a   will have same blue check, as boundary   someone  else  would  be  disabled,
        able to select if you think you’ve   Direct Message (DM) from an ac-  of what constitutes “notable” is oth-  unless its user declared it as a par-
        been hacked, forgot your password,   count impersonating a business.  erwise too subjective.” He tweeted.  ody account.

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