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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           DECEMBER 13, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 22

               Congreewoman Meng Elected as Chair of

        Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            es. I look forward to strengthening
                                                                                                              and growing the caucus, serving our
        WASHINGTON, D.C.
                                                                                                              diverse  members,  and  fighting  for
              his  afternoon,  the  Congres-                                                                  policies that empower Asian Amer-
              sional Asian Pacific American                                                                   ican communities across the country.
        TCaucus (CAPAC) unanimous-                                                                            I would like to thank Congresswom-
        ly elected U.S. Rep. Grace Meng                                                                       an Judy Chu for her leadership over
        (D-Queens) to serve as Chair of the                                                                   the  last  fourteen  years.  Her  legacy
        Congressional  Asian  Pacific  Ameri-                                                                 and vision will inspire our work in the
        can Caucus (CAPAC) for the 119th                                                                      119th Congress and beyond.”
        Congress.                                                                                                 CAPAC is made up of Members
            “It is an honor to be elected to                                                                  of Congress of Asian, Native Hawai-
        serve as Chair of the Congressional                                                                   ian, and Pacific Islander descent and
        Asian Pacific American Caucus (CA-                                                                    members who have a strong dedica-
        PAC)  in  the  119th  session  of  Con-                                                               tion to promoting the well-being of
        gress,”  said  Congresswoman  Meng.                                                                   the Asian American, Native Hawai-
        “CAPAC was created to ensure that                                                                     ian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI)
        the voice of our nation’s growing                                                                     community.  As  Chair,  Rep.  Meng
        Asian American, Native Hawaiian,                                                                      will continue to advocate for the
        and  Pacific  Islander  communities  is                                                               needs and concerns of the commu-
        not only heard, but strongly repre-                                                                   nity, guide policy strategy and mes-
        sented at the federal level. Through-                                                                 saging, and serve as the leading voice
        out  my  time  in  Congress,  I  have                                                                 in the House Democratic Caucus on
        championed the Asian American                                                                         issues impacting the AANHPI com-
        community through various roles.   and messaging of our caucus through   Biden-Harris Administration to im-  munity.
        I am grateful to my colleagues for   the  first  Trump  Administration,  a   prove the lives of Asian Americans   The  119th  Congress  will  begin
        electing me three consecutive times   global pandemic, and rise in an-  over the last four years, from com-  in early January when Meng and all
        to serve as First Vice Chair. I have   ti-Asian hate and violence. I was also   batting hate to lowering healthcare   other members of the House of Rep-
        proudly helped shape the priorities   proud to partner with the historic   costs and supporting small business-  resentatives are officially sworn in.

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