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ImmIGRATION                                                           DECEMBER 11, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          38

           need to Plan ahead Before sponsoring

                    a senior Parent for a green Card

        Cyrus meHTa                  residency or continue to travel as   the trip abroad has been in excess   appointment after the filing of the   All of these factors have to be
                                     visitors. It is generally not advisable   of 180 days under INA 101(a)(13)  application for the reentry permit,   carefully considered before a parent
               any US citizens, especially   to use the green card as a tourist   (C)(ii), the CBP official can still find   they must return to the US for the   obtains a green card. Is the parent
               those who have recent-  visa. A green card holder is required   abandonment even if the resident   biometrics and again risk an aggres-  willing to live in the US permanent-
        Mly naturalized, desire to   to reside in the US permanently.   departed the US for less than 180   sive inspection by a CBP official, al-  ly and uproot oneself after living a
        sponsor their senior parents for law-  While travelling once a year on a   days under 101(a)(13)(C)(i). In any   though the risk may be lessened if it   lifetime in the home country? If not,
        ful permanent residence, also collo-  green card is theoretically permissi-  event, in order for the green card to   is clear that the parent is returning   is the parent still prepared to reside
        quially known as the green card. A   ble, there will come a point in time   be valid, the resident must return   to pursue a reentry permit.  in the US at some point in the near
        US citizen can sponsor a parent for   when the Customs and Border Pro-  to the US within one year of the   There are also important tax   future after settling affairs at home,
        a green card as an immediate rela-  tection (CBP) officer at a port of en-  prior departure pursuant to 8 CFR   considerations. Failure to file a res-  and most likely apply for a reentry
        tive by  filing Form I-130 under INA   try will question why the green card   211.1(a)(2).  ident tax return upon becoming a   permit in the meantime and then
        201(b)(2)(A)(i). Immediate rela-  holder is not permanently residing   The term “temporary visit   green card holder, or filing as a non-  maintain it?  Is the parent prepared
        tives are not subject to quotas that   in the US. The CBP official routine-  abroad” has been subject to inter-  resident, can have an adverse im-  to  file  US  tax  returns  and  declare
        can take many years to clear, and   ly asks a returning resident how long   pretation by a few Circuit Courts.   pact on not just the parent’s green   foreign bank accounts each year?
        thus the process can be complet-  they have been outside the US since   The Ninth Circuit’s interpretation   card status but also with respect to   Has the parent’s health needs been
        ed within a relatively short period   their last departure from the US. If   in Singh v. Reno, 113 F.3d 1512 (9th   the ability to naturalize in the future.   taken into account?  If the parent is
        of time.  Bringing a parent over to   the CBP official determines that the   Cir. 1997) is generally followed:  See 8 CFR 316.5(c)(2). A green   not ready, it may still be preferable
        join the US citizen and their family   parent has abandoned permanent   A trip is a ‘temporary visit   card holder is considered a resident   for the parent to continue visiting
        permanently in this country can be   residence,  they  could  be  charged   abroad’ if (a) it is for a relatively   for tax purposes as he or she meets   the US as a tourist each year. Of
        a great source of joy and has lots   with inadmissibility and placed in   short  period,  fixed  by  some  early   the  “green  card  test”  or  the  “sub-  course, if the parent was refused a
        of benefits. In addition to living in   removal  proceeding.  Although  event; or (b) the trip will terminate   stantial presence test.” Even if the   tourist visa in the past, then being
        close proximity and enjoying emo-  the burden of proof is on the gov-  upon the occurrence of an event   parent does not earn any income in   sponsored for a green card makes
        tional bonds, senior parents can be   ernment to establish through clear   that has a reasonable possibility of   the United States, but has earnings   more sense. There is also now a
        of great help in providing child care   and convincing evidence that the   occurring within a relatively short   from overseas sources, the parent   growing sense of urgency to sponsor
        thus allowing their US citizen chil-  permanent resident has abandoned   period of time. If as in (b) the length   is generally required to report their   a parent sooner than later in light of
        dren to work and pursue careers.   that status, this burden may be easy   of the visit is contingent upon the   worldwide income on a Form 1040   the rhetoric from President Trump
        Some senior parents may have   to establish if the parent uses the   occurrence of an event and is not   resident US tax return. Moreover,   to abolish chain migration, which
        health issues, and having them near-  green card to infrequently visit the   fixed in time and if the event does   all foreign financial accounts with a   includes the ability of naturalized
        by gives a sense of security in case of   US rather than reside in the US.  not occur within a relatively short   value in excess of $10,000  must be   citizens to sponsor parents. Howev-
        emergencies. Other parents can also   In order to stave off a finding   period of time, the visit will be con-  reported every year.  It behooves a   er, for that to happen, Congress will
        pursue new careers or hobbies once   of abandonment, a green card hold-  sidered a “temporary visit abroad”   parent in  this situation  to consult   need to change the law and that is
        they immigrate to the US.    er must demonstrate that the trip   only if the alien has a continuous,   with a tax advisor to ensure that they   not likely to happen anytime soon in
            Many parents may already   abroad was temporary. Returning   uninterrupted intention to return to   are not taxed in both countries.  a highly polarized Congress.  What
        have multiple entry visitor visas, or   back to the US annually may not   the United States during the visit.  There are many other import-  is more imminent is a proposed
        be able to travel on visa waivers,   meet the definition of a temporary   Since the a trip abroad must   ant considerations. The parent will   rule that will change the definition
        and visit their children once a year   trip abroad. Many are under the   be of finite duration, or at  must ter-  have to adapt to a completely differ-  of who is likely to become a pub-
        or even more frequently. These   misimpression that returning to the   minate upon the occurrence of an   ent lifestyle in the US. For instance,   lic charge under INA § 212(a)(4),
        parents who already have access to   US within six months would elim-  event likely to occur within a short   in order to be able to get around, be-  which might create more obstacles
        the US through visitor visas need   inate  a  finding  of  abandonment.   period of time, many parents who   ing able to drive in many parts of the   for senior parents to qualify for the
        to carefully consider whether it is   While a permanent resident is only   use the green card as a tourist visa   US outside major metropolitan ar-  green card. Already, the State De-
        prudent to obtain lawful permanent   regarded as seeking  admission if   frequently face intrusive inspections   eas is essential. There is also no free   partment has amended the Foreign
                                                                   by  CBP  officers  at  ports  of  entry.   health insurance for a newly minted   Affairs Manual to give consular offi-
                                                                   Many are warned to apply for a   green card holder.  The parent will   cers more discretion in making pub-
                                                                   reentry permit if they continue to   have to purchase private health in-  lic charge determinations notwith-
                                                                   infrequently return to the US. INA   surance, and can do so on a health   standing the submission of a Form
                                                                   § 223 provides the authority to the   exchange under the Affordable   I-864 affidavit of support.
                                                                   Department of Homeland Security   Care Act, and there might be sub-  When everything is considered
                                                                   to issue a reentry permit for a pe-  sidies available based on income.   and an informed decision is made,
                                                                   riod not more than two years. See   As of January 1, 2019, it is no longer   maintaining the green card will be
                                                                   also 8 CFR 8 CFR § 223.2(c)(2).     mandatory for a lawful permanent   smoother and not so burdensome.
                                                                   While the reentry permit can serve   resident to have health insurance   After  five  years  from  the  issuance
                                                                   as an insurance policy against such   under the ACA as there is no longer   of the green card, the parent will
                                                                   an aggressive inspection at a port of   any tax penalty for failure to do so.     be able to apply for US citizenship
                                                                   entry, this document will not entire-  Green card holders have to wait for   provided they have been physically
                                                                   ly immunize the parent from a find-  5 years before they become becomes   present for half the time in the five
                                                                   ing of abandonment. While length   eligible for  Medicare.  The parent   years  preceding  the  filing  of  the
                                                                   of time may not be used against   must be 65 or older and must have   naturalization application and they
                                                                   the green card holder with a valid   worked for 40 quarters. Most new   have  also been  continuously  resid-
                                                                   reentry permit in a finding of aban-  green card holders would not have   ing during this period.
                                                                   donment, other activities reflecting   worked 40 quarters, and they may   Upon being naturalized, a US
                                                                   abandonment may be considered.  buy in to Medicare after they be-  citizen is no longer subject to resi-
                                                                      The reentry permit is burden-  come eligible.   The rules regarding   dency requirements. If on the oth-
                                                                   some to maintain for a senior parent   Medicaid for low income green card   er hand, the parent has a change
                                                                   who visits the US a few weeks each   holders are complex and confusing,   of heart and does not wish to be a
                                                                   year. Form I-131 must be filed only   and depend on a person’s income,   permanent resident of the US, it is
                                                                   while the parent is physically pres-  age and the rules of each state. The   best that the parent formally aban-
                                                                   ent in the US, and then the parent   sponsor’s income on the affidavit of   don that status by filing Form I-407,
                      m of                                         must wait a few weeks for the bio-  support may also be deemed to the   otherwise IRS will still consider the
                                                                   metrics appointment. If the parent
                                                                                                parent’s income.  Further informa-
                                                                                                                             parent a resident alien for tax pur-
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          is unable to wait for the biometrics   tion is available here.  poses.
                                                                                              Cyrus D. Mehta, a graduate of Cambridge University and Columbia Law School, is the Managing Partner of Cyrus D. Mehta

                                                                   & Partners PLLC in New York City. Mr. Mehta is a member of AILA’s Administrative Litigation Task Force; AILA’s EB-5
                                                                   Committee; former chair of AILA’s Ethics Committee; special counsel on immigration matters to the Departmental Disciplinary
                            Committee, Appellate Division, First Department, New York; member of the ABA Commission on Immigration; board member
                                                    
             ­       of Volunteers for Legal Services and board member of New York Immigration Coalition.  Mr. Mehta is the former chair of the
              ‚                                              
                                                                   Board of Trustees of the American Immigration Council and former chair of the Committee on Immigration and Nationality
                                                                   Law of the New York City Bar Association. He is a frequent speaker and writer on various immigration-related issues, including
                                                                   on ethics, and is also an adjunct professor of law at Brooklyn Law School, where he teaches a course entitled Immigration and
                                                                   Work.  Mr. Mehta received the AILA 2018 Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award for advancing the practice of immigration law
                                                                   and the AILA 2011 Michael Maggio Memorial Award for his outstanding efforts in providing pro bono representation in the
                                                                   immigration field. He has also received two AILA Presidential Commendations in 2010 and 2016.  Mr. Mehta is ranked among
          2              6th Floor                                 the most highly regarded lawyers in North America by Who’s Who Legal – Corporate Immigration Law 2019 and is also ranked
                 in Chambers USA and Chambers Global 2019 in immigration law, among other rankings.
                                                               www.TheIndianEYE .us
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