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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 10, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 28

                   association of South asian real estate

             Professionals (aSarP) hold its annual gala

                      Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi Addressing the Gala                            ASARP Executive Board

          Pradeep Shukla with wife Harsha Shukla and sponsor Moti   Pradeep Shukla and Shirin Marvi with Consul General Amt   Pradeep Shukla with the distinguished
                    Aggarwal (Millennium Bank)               Kumar and Laurie Murphy from IDFPR                  Guest Lynn Madison

        CHICAGO IL

              ssociation of South Asian Real
              Estate Professionals (ASARP)
        Aorganized its annual gala on
        November 7th at Fairfield Inn, Scha-
        umburg. The program was hosted by
        Prachi Jaitly and Shirin Marvi. The
        event kicked off with social network-
        ing and live Indian Flute on stage fol-
        lowed by national anthems and tradi-
        tional lamp lighting.
            National anthems were sung by   Pradeep shukla and Incoming President Shi-
        Ramona Schmika and Dipti/Madhu     rin Marvi with CG Amit Kumar and Chodhari
        Dave. The special guests and speakers
        that attended the gala were Congress-  Khokar, Mayor, Glendale Heights                  ASARP team members and Volunteers
        man Raja Krishnamoorthy, Consul
        General Amit Kumar, Real Estate   his best wishes to the new board. The   Oath was administered by ASARP   The event was sponsored by
        coach and Mentor Lynn Madison, Dan   gala had a variety dance performance   Chairman Pradeep Shukla.  Growth Level Sponsors: Main Street
        Wagner, Mario Treto, Laurie Murphy,   by very well-known artists from Chi-  The 2022 team taking oath includ-  Organization of Realtors (John Le-
        John Gormley, Chaudhary Khokar,   cagoland that included Chicago Kala   ed Incoming President- Shirin Mar-  Tourneau,President) and other major
        Sadia Gul Covert. Consul General   Kshetra, Sonali Shani and Rewa Shani,   vi, Incoming Vice President- T.Paul   sponsors like Millennium Bank (Moti
        Amit Kuman talked about India and   Swati Pandey, Aanya and Usha Kabra.  S. Chawala and Incoming Treasur-  Aggarwal and Salil Mishra), Law of-
        US Partnership. ASARP Chairman,       2021 President Al Haroon Hu-  er- Rajesh N. Patel. Executive Board   fices of Nirav Patel, Gardi and Haught
        Pradeep Shukla talked about the vi-  sain introduced the executive board   Members are Anup Patel, Bimal M   (Hiten Gardi), PPG Finance (Shane
        sion and achievements of the organi-  followed by the oath ceremony of the   Pandhi, Marsha Collins, T. R. Vishwa-  Parekh).
        zation since its inception and extended   2022 president and board members.   nathan and Vasanti Bhatt.   --Asian Media USA.

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